Journal of Economic Literature
ISSN 0022-0515 (Print) | ISSN 2328-8175 (Online)
Economic Insights from Internet Auctions
Journal of Economic Literature
vol. 42,
no. 2, June 2004
(pp. 457–486)
This paper surveys recent studies of internet auctions. Four main areas of research are summarized. First, we survey several studies that document and attempt to explain the frequently observed sniping, or last-second bidding behavior, in these auctions. Second, we summarize several methods proposed to quantify the distortions caused by asymmetric information in these markets, most notably due to the winner's curse. Third, we explore research about the role of reputation mechanisms installed to help combat these distortions. Finally, we discuss what internet auctions have to teach us about auction design.Citation
Bajari, Patrick, and Ali Hortaçsu. 2004. "Economic Insights from Internet Auctions." Journal of Economic Literature, 42 (2): 457–486. DOI: 10.1257/0022051041409075JEL Classification
- D44 Auctions
- L81 Retail and Wholesale Trade; e-Commerce