Banking, Trade and the Making of a Dominant Currency
We explore the interplay between trade invoicing patterns and the pricing of safe assetsin different currencies. Our theory highlights the following points: 1) a currency’s role as a
unit of account for invoicing decisions is complementary to its role as a safe store of value;
2) this complementarity can lead to the emergence of a single dominant currency in trade invoicing
and global banking, even when multiple large candidate countries share similar economic
fundamentals; 3) firms in emerging-market countries endogenously take on currency
mismatches by borrowing in the dominant currency; 4) the expected return on dominant currency
safe assets is lower than that on similarly safe assets denominated in other currencies,
thereby bestowing an “exorbitant privilege” on the dominant currency. The theory thus
provides a unified explanation for why a dominant currency is so heavily used in both trade
invoicing and in global finance.