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Manchester Grand Hyatt, Cove
Hosted By:
Association for Social Economics & International Network for Economic Method
What Can Economists Do Better?: A Look at the Profession
Paper Session
Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM (PDT)
- Chair: Steven Pressman, Colorado State University
Diversity and Inclusion at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity and Gender
NO ABSTRACTMentoring Matters: A Patch for the Leaky Pipeline
The importance of mentoring is highlighted through its incorporation as one of three core treatment areas in the Undergraduate Women in Economics (UWE) project. Yet, early evidence from one of the universities participating in UWE—Colorado State University—finds that peer mentoring in the form of mentoring activities throughout the semester, has an insignificant effect on female students’ major outcomes. Li suggests that this could be explained by the low participation rate in mentoring activities. But, what explains low participation rates? I argue that offering mentoring alone is not enough; the type (who, what, how) of mentoring matters for increasing participation and buy-in from both mentor and mentee. This might necessitate training and guidance in order for mentors to be effective. Mentoring must also meet each individual where she is at if it is to create the capability for young scholars to thrive in economics and this may vary for different individuals. Yang, Chawla, and Uzzi (2019) suggest that that women face additional challenges in securing professional opportunities by requiring both wide networks and an inner circle of female contacts to be successful (compared to men who require only wide networks). These network and mentoring issues may compound for those with multiple underrepresented identities. Lastly, mentoring requires continuity and although many interventions focus on students, it may be even more crucial for junior faculty as they lose the more formal mentoring structures that existed in graduate school. Active mentoring at this stage has been shown to have a significant impact on faculty success. Participation in the CSWEP Mentoring Program (CeMENT) in which junior faculty are exposed to senior role models, increased the number of top-tier publications, the overall number of publications, and the number of successful federal grant application relative to the control. Using evidence from research and insights from personal experience,...JEL Classifications
- B4 - Economic Methodology