Overeducation as Hiring Policy
Purpose: We provide first evidence regarding the direct effect of a hiring policy oriented through higher (over) education on firm productivity. Moreover, we put light on the moderating role of the working environment of the firm, qualified as high-tech/knowledge intensive.Approach: Using a detailed Belgian firm panel data, and computing a measure of overeducation hiring policy robust to sectorial bias,
Findings: We show that firms that decide to implement a hiring policy of overeducation are found to be more productive than others which follow the hiring standards in terms of educational levels. Concerning the role of the technological environment, we show that high-tech firms may take advantage of additional skills provided by highly educated workers to a bigger extent, the overeducation hiring policy leading to even higher productivity improvements.
Originality: Unlike much of the earlier literature (still essentially focused on workers' wages, job satisfaction and related attitudes and behaviours), our econometric estimates are based on direct measures of productivity. They are also robust to a range of measurement issues, such as time-invariant labour heterogeneity and firm characteristics.