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Remembering Robert Solow, 1924-2023

Panel Session

Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM (PST)

Hilton San Francisco Union Square
This session will be streamed live.
Hosted By: American Economic Association
  • Moderator: James Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER

George Akerlof
Georgetown University
Topic: Thesis Advisor Robert Solow
Stacey Tevlin
Federal Reserve Board
Topic: Bob Solow and Macroeconomic Policy
Charles I. Jones
Stanford University
Topic: Bob Solow and the Theory of Economic Growth
Lawrence Katz
Harvard University
Topic: Bob Solow and Labor Economics
JEL Classifications
  • B3 - History of Economic Thought: Individuals
  • E0 - General