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American Economic Review

ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)

Vol. 107, No. 5, May 2017

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Richard T. Ely Lecture
Replication in Microeconomics
Replication and Ethics in Economics: Thirty Years after Dewald, Thursby, and Anderson
Institutions, Morals, and Markets
Understanding Moral Repugnance in Markets
Gender Agenda
Understanding Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes: Experimental Evidence
The Economics of Gender
Marriage Market: Formation, Selection, and Policy Effects
New Technologies and the Labor Markets
Platform Competition and Market Design
Matching without Substitutes: Theory and Applications
Mistakes in Dominant-Strategy Mechanisms
Economics of Matching
Machine Learning in Econometrics
Learning from Data in Economics
Creating Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship, Firm Dynamics, and Growth
Worker Adjustment to Economic Shocks
Job Change and Earning Growth
Income Inequality within and across Firms
Income Inequality and Income Risk in the 21st Century
Inequality in Motion: Implications for the Military, Homeownership, Consumption, Tax Compliance, and the Labor Market
Migration and Climate Change: Location Choice in Response to Rapid- and Slow-Onset Climate Events
Evaluating Behavioral Policy Applications Using Administrative Data
United States Health Care from Various Perspectives
Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries
Health and the Environment
The Impact of Disease, Gender, and Disability on Children and Households
Labor Markets and Crime
Cooperation and Conflict: Perspective from Economics and Beyond
Heterogeneity and Power Laws in Macroeconomics
Monetary and Financial Market Intervention around the World
Education Economics
The Economics Major: Present and Future