American Economic Review
ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)
Vol. 98, No. 1, March 2008
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Evolution and Intelligent Design
(pp. 5–37)
Deal or No Deal? Decision Making under Risk in a Large-Payoff Game Show
(pp. 38–71)
Rational Expectations in Games
(pp. 72–86)
Asymmetric Auctions with Resale
(pp. 87–112)
Optimal Gerrymandering: Sometimes Pack, but Never Crack
(pp. 113–44)
When Does Coordination Require Centralization?
(pp. 145–79)
On the Empirical Content of Quantal Response Equilibrium
(pp. 180–200)
A Dynamic Theory of Public Spending, Taxation, and Debt
(pp. 201–36)
Vertical Arrangements, Market Structure, and Competition: An Analysis of Restructured US Electricity Markets
(pp. 237–66)
Persistence of Power, Elites, and Institutions
(pp. 267–93)
Betrayal Aversion: Evidence from Brazil, China, Oman, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United States
(pp. 294–310)
Female Socialization: How Daughters Affect Their Legislator Fathers' Voting on Women's Issues
(pp. 311–32)
The Mystery of Monogamy
(pp. 333–57)
An Equilibrium Model of "Global Imbalances" and Low Interest Rates
(pp. 358–93)
Reallocation, Firm Turnover, and Efficiency: Selection on Productivity or Profitability?
(pp. 394–425)
On the Evolution of Firm Size Distributions
(pp. 426–38)
Growth Dynamics: The Myth of Economic Recovery
(pp. 439–57)
Gambling at Lucky Stores: Empirical Evidence from State Lottery Sales
(pp. 458–73)
A Model of Housing in the Presence of Adjustment Costs: A Structural Interpretation of Habit Persistence
(pp. 474–95)
A Simple Auction Mechanism for the Optimal Allocation of the Commons
(pp. 496–518)
The Dynamic Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate in Sticky Price Models
(pp. 519–33)
Collective Memory, Cultural Transmission, and Investments
(pp. 534–60)
Bureaucrats or Politicians? Comment
(pp. 561–62)