JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015
National Center for Health Statistics and AcademyHealth
Position Title/Short Description
Section: US: Other Academic (Visiting or Temporary)
Location: Hyattsville , Maryland, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
00 -- Default: Any Field
I1 -- Health
health services research
federal government
quantitative data analysis
health economics
health statistics
Full Text of JOE Listing:
The NCHS/AcademyHealth Health Policy Fellowship fosters collaboration between the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) staff and visiting scholars on a wide range of topics of mutual interest as well as projects of interest to policymakers and the health services research community. NCHS, the survey branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provides statistical information that helps guide actions and policies to improve the health of the American people. Selected Fellows will conduct new and innovative analyses and participate in developmental and health policy activities related to the design and content of future NCHS surveys during the 13-month fellowship at the NCHS headquarters in Hyattasville, Maryland.
All applicants must demonstrate training and/or experience in health services research and its methodology, especially quantitative data analysis, reflecting disciplines such as public health, public administration, health care administration, sociology, nutrition, health economics, health statistics, or the health professions (e.g., medicine, nursing, dentistry).
Application Instructions:
Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete the Statement of Interest form online prior to applying. The submission deadline for applications is January 5, 2015.
Statement of Interest URL:
Application URL:
More information:
Application Requirements:
- External Application Link