JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
February 1, 2016 - July 31, 2016
Edgeworth Economics
Position Title/Short Description
Section: Other Nonacademic (Temporary, Part-Time, Non-Salaried, Consulting, Etc.)
Location: Washington, District of Columbia, UNITED STATES
JEL Classification: 00 -- Default: Any Field
Full Text of JOE Listing:
Introduction to Economic Consulting for PhD Students
Hosted by Edgeworth Economics
Program Description
Edgeworth Economics is conducting a three-day summer program to introduce current
PhD students to economic consulting. The 2016 program will be held June 13th-June
16th. As part of the program, participants will:
• Learn about the types of analyses and work done at economic consulting firms,
including antitrust economics, labor economics, and econometrics;
• Take part in several case studies and activities related to actual cases;
• Participate in a mock trial as an expert witness, including testifying under both
direct- and cross-examination;
• Participate in a series of panel discussions with other PhDs and professional
economists regarding career trajectories and what one can do with his/her degree;
• Be assigned a PhD-level mentor to discuss current thesis research and receive
advice and feedback on their research plans and career opportunities going forward.
Our program is designed to be a complement to students’ thesis research, while
exposing students to different directions and practical applications of economics that
they may not be otherwise able to experience in a traditional PhD program.
Edgeworth will host several social activities during the week to give students a chance
to learn about Washington, DC and interact with other economists at the firm and
other PhD participants in the program.
The program will be hosted at Edgeworth Economics’ Washington, DC office. Each
student will be provided with hotel accommodations and a stipend for participation.
About Us
Edgeworth Economics is an economic, financial, and quantitative
consulting firm that provides economic analysis and expert testimony
for clients facing complex litigations involving antitrust, mergers and
acquisitions, class certification, labor and employment, intellectual
property, transfer pricing, and complex commercial damages. Our clients
include law firms, Fortune 500 companies, and government agencies.
How to Apply
Interested students can apply by visiting
Deadline to apply is April 1, 2016.
If you have any questions, please contact
Application Requirements:
- External Application Link