JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2016 - July 31, 2016

University of Alberta

This listing is inactive.
Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology
Assistant Professor in Economic Development in Northern and Aboriginal Communities

JOE ID Number: 2016-01_111455354
Date Posted: 03/11/2016
Date Inactive: 07/31/2016
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Assistant Professor in Economic Development in Northern and Aboriginal Communities
Section: International:Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Edmonton, AB, CANADA
JEL Classifications:
O1 -- Economic Development
I1 -- Health
R1 -- General Regional Economics
Development Economics; Health Economics; Regional Economics
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta, invites applications from outstanding individuals for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor, in Economic Development in Northern and Aboriginal Communities. Candidates must demonstrate the potential to achieve excellence in research and teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in Economics, Business, Agricultural or Resource Economics or related fields, or expect to receive one by July, 2016.

The University of Alberta is one of Canada's largest and most-respected research universities. The Department has a history of producing high quality research in resource and environmental economics, agricultural economics, and related areas.

Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae, names of three references, and a statement of current and future research interests to: Chair, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology at the link below. Applications will start to be examined on April 1, 2016, but the competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

A detailed description of the position is available at:

Application Requirements:
  • Letters of Reference
  • External Application Link