JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2019 - January 31, 2020

University of Dallas

This listing is inactive.
Constantin College of Liberal Arts
Assistant Professor of Economics

JOE ID Number: 2019-02_111463431
Date Posted: 09/25/2019
Date Inactive: 01/31/2020
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Assistant Professor of Economics
Section: US: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Irving, Texas, UNITED STATES
JEL Classification: 00 -- Default: Any Field
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The University of Dallas, Constantin College of Liberal Arts, Economics Department invites applications for an Assistant, tenure-track, professor of Economics. Candidate should have a Ph.D. in economics or public policy (preference will be given to an economics Ph.D.). All fields are welcome to apply. Fields preferred include: public economics, finance, applied econometrics, industrial organization, labor economics, applied microeconomics, empirical macroeconomics, economic history. The ideal candidate’s research will be in an area that has the potential to foster additional productive collaborations between the economics department and other departments on campus. The teaching load for this position is three courses per semester. A Ph.D. is required by the position start date in August 2020.

Applications for the position should be made online at and must include a cover letter indicating your interest in the position, your qualifications, and your research interests, a curriculum vita, a statement on teaching, and a job market paper if available. Please also include evaluations of your teaching if you have them.

The University of Dallas is a Catholic university noted for its rigorous core curriculum and majors, and an EOE. Applicants should be familiar with the mission:

Application Requirements:
  • External Application URL and Instructions Below
Application Instructions:
Applications for the position should be made online at and must include a cover letter indicating your interest in the position, your qualifications, and your research interests, a curriculum vita, a statement on teaching, and a job market paper if available. Please also include evaluations of your teaching if you have them. Letters of reference are not required at this stage but may be requested later.