JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2019 - January 31, 2020
University of Bergen
Position Title/Short Description
Section: International:Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Bergen, NORWAY
JEL Classification: I -- Health, Education, and Welfare
Status Update: Position has been filled
Full Text of JOE Listing:
At the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care (IGS), and the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, there is a full-time permanent position as professor/associate professor in Health Economics. The applicants are primarily evaluated according to the list of qualifications and personal qualities. If two applicants are found equally qualified along these dimensions, an applicant qualified as full professor will precede an applicant without such qualification.
About the work tasks/research area:
The successful applicant will be particularly responsible for research projects that bridge the two university milieus. This could involve contributing to health economic research in clinical trials or using economic theory and methods to study relevant issues in the organisation and funding of health services. The University of Bergen aims to be playing a national leading role in the economic evaluation of health interventions, and the successful applicant will contribute to the university attaining this goal.
Qualifications and personal qualities:
• The applicant must have a Norwegian PhD degree or corresponding qualifications in economics and have expertise in health, or in health economics. In the case of any doubts about the equivalency of non-Norwegian qualifications, these will be evaluated by NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education)
• The successful applicant will teach at both the Faculty of Medicine and at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bergen, and must have excellent pedagogical skills
• Basic teaching training is a requirement, both formally education and teaching experience. It is important to enclose documentation of courses etc. and teaching skills. The successful candidate will be offered appropriate training if this requirement has not been met before the appointment
• Weight will be given to the successful applicant’s ability to create a research milieu based on their own network building, nationally and internationally, as well as their ability to attain external funding
• Special weight will be given to documented ability to publish peer-reviewed articles in highly rated international academic journals. Special weight will be given to academic research published during the last five years
• Weight will be given to the applicant’s competency in methods suitable for evaluating health initiatives as well as his/her interest in interdisciplinary research questions
Experience in leading research projects, coordinating research activities, and strategic work will be emphasized, as will documented willingness and ability to collaborate.
Closing date: November 24th 2019
Application Requirements:
- External Application Link