JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2020 - January 31, 2021
Luohan Academy (Ant Group/Alibaba Group)
Position Title/Short Description
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, CHINA
JEL Classification: 00 -- 00 - Default: Any Field
Big Data
Competition and Antitrust
Data Economics
Development Economics
Digital Economy
Economic Growth
Empirical Economics
Experimental Design
Industrial Organization
Labor Economics
Machine Learning
Platform economy
Full Text of JOE Listing:
Luohan Academy is an open research institute based in Hangzhou, China. It was established by Alibaba Group and a group of world-renowned social scientists (including seven Nobel Laureates in Economics) in 2018, with the aim of promoting research and dialogue on the social and economic dimensions of the ongoing digital revolution. We collaborate with world-class social scientists and practitioners to explore, analyze and learn the ongoing (digital) transformation of the society and economy worldwide. Among the research areas of our interests are inclusive growth, digital finance, platform economy, competition policy and, antitrust, and economics of data and privacy. With rich first-hand experience and privileged data accumulated in a rapidly growing digital economy, Luohan Academy is a perfect place to study the socio-economic impact of digital technology.
Luohan Academy will schedule virtual interviews on December 15-18. Only those candidates who complete application before December 5, 2020 will be considered for interviews in this round. Please note that we hire on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Job Description:
• Conduct cutting edge research on a broad range of topics in economics and finance, with a strong focus on digital economy. These include digital finance, platform economics, competition policy, inclusive growth, and data security and privacy.
• Initiate, participate in, or support in-house research programs as well as joint research projects with external experts or institutions. Economists are encouraged to share their research at academic conferences and publish in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and other outlets.
• Conduct in-depth analysis and write reports on issues of great significance to the society as a whole, and to policy-makers and business leaders in particular. Contribute to a better understanding of the working and regulatory environment of new technology firms in the digital age.
• Develop and maintain a close relationship with internal and external researchers, policy makers and industry experts so as to foster dialogues on digital economy in an active and expanding community, and to contribute to the Academy’s global outreach.
• We strive to provide an exciting research environment with close interactions with academics, industry experts and practitioners, with extensive computing facilities and access to privileged data sources.
• Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Economics, Finance, or a related discipline, from a university of good international standing. For senior positions, we welcome candidates with at least 3 to 5 years of working experience in academia, research institutions and think tanks, and major international organizations. Solid training in theory and empirical techniques are expected from all candidates, as well as a proven track record in research and policy analysis in related fields.
• Candidates are expected to possess solid analytical, quantitative, and programming skills, they must demonstrate the potential to contribute substantially to research and policy analysis of interests to Luohan Academy and to the community of digital economics research more generally. Familiarity with data science and data analysis and experience with policy analysis and thematic reports are an advantage.
• Strong written and oral English skills are required. Proficiency in or good knowledge of Chinese is a plus.
• You are expected to have strong interests in, and aptitude for, working in an open research institution; passion for independent and creative thinking; ability to collaborate and make substantial contributions to team work.
Engagement channels:
• Full-time Research Analyst (RA): we welcome candidates with strong academic background with a Master degree in Economics, Finance, Data Science or Statistics, proficiency in statistical tools and quantitative analysis. First-rate candidates with a Bachelor Degree will also be considered. Knowledge of Chinese is highly appreciated. RAs gain experience by assisting our economists with original economic research and providing critical support for data analysis. The RA gains firsthand experience in working with big data. Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply to
• Luohan Academy Internship are open typically to PhD candidates enrolled in their third year, or higher, and not currently on the job market. We also consider strong candidates with a Master or Bachelor degree in the relevant fields. They are expected to contribute to research and data analysis, and the ability to work in a team is essential. Please apply to
• For more detailed information on full-time positions as well as internship opportunities at the Academy, please email us at
Application Requirements:
• Cover Letter
• Curriculum Vitae
• Job Market Paper or One Recent Research Paper (for Economist/Senior Economistpositions only)
• Writing samples or equivalent (for RA and Intern positions)
• Three Letters of Reference (two for RA and Intern positions)
Application deadline: Jan. 31, 2021
Application Instructions:
Interested applicants should submit their cover letter, curriculum vitae, research papers, and three letters of reference through the JOE System.
Application Requirements:
- Dissertation Abstract
- Letters of Reference
- Cover Letter
- CV