JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2020 - January 31, 2021
UTokyo Economic Consulting Inc.
Position Title/Short Description
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
JEL Classifications:
C0 -- General
D0 -- General
J0 -- General
L0 -- General
M0 -- General
Applied Microeconomics
Machine Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Economic Consulting
Antitrust Economics
Full Text of JOE Listing:
UTokyo Economic Consulting Inc. (UTEcon) is an economic consulting firm that offers a wide range of economic consulting services to companies, governments, and law firms. UTEcon was founded in August 2020 as a subsidiary of the University of Tokyo. UTEcon is looking for economists with the growth of its business.
UTEcon offers solutions for client-specific problems taking advantage of the expertise of the faculty members of the University of Tokyo and those of the firm’s own experts. Our services include pricing, policy evaluation, machine-learning based prediction of bankruptcy and accounting fraud, market design, antitrust-related analysis, nowcasting, and quantitative and behavioral marketing. Economists will have opportunities to work on various economic problems with top-notch researchers in a startup environment, and will play a central role in managing projects.
UTEcon web site is at For questions, contact us at
• Formulate economic arguments and develop analysis strategies
• Generate reports, proposals, presentation materials
• Coordinate the timeline, the work product, and the team members
• A Ph.D. in Economics with expertise in industrial organization, econometrics, applied microeconomics, or labor economics
• Business-level fluency in Japanese
• Passion for applying academic insights and tools to solve real-world problems
Application Requirements:
- Letters of Reference
- Research Papers
- Job Market Paper
- Cover Letter
- CV