JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024

Carleton University

This listing is inactive.
Faculty of Public Affairs
Assistant or Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Tier II

JOE ID Number: 2023-02_111472383
Date Posted: 09/20/2023
Date Inactive: 01/31/2024
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Assistant or Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Tier II
Section: International:Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
JEL Classifications:
Q0 -- General
O0 -- General
F0 -- General
Canada Research Chair
Sustainable Global Prosperity
Full Text of JOE Listing:

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for a Tier II CRC appointment in Economics of Sustainable Global Prosperity at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor beginning July 1, 2024 or as soon as possible after that, subject to approval of the CRC program (see below). An appointment with tenure is possible, depending on qualifications of the successful candidate.

We are particularly interested in exceptional emerging scholars whose work centres on sustainable global prosperity questions, including one or more of the following areas:
• Understanding the drivers underlying the dynamics of sustainable global prosperity
• New measurement and empirical approaches in the context of sustainable global prosperity
• Intersection of sustainable global prosperity with diverse fields including income and wealth inequality, economic growth, institutions, environment, development, international economics, access to education and health-promoting domains.
• Research involving administrative databases and policy analysis to advance frontier knowledge on sustainable global prosperity.

Tier 2 Chairs are intended for exceptional emerging scholars, who have been an active researcher in their field for fewer than 10 years at the time of nomination. Applicants who are more than 10 years from having earned their highest degree (and where career breaks exist, such as maternity, parental or extended sick leave, clinical training, etc.) may have their eligibility assessed through the program’s Tier 2 justification process. For more details, please see and

The successful candidate works with Public Affairs to prepare the application for the Tier II CRC Chair. The academic appointment is conditional on the approval of the application by the CRC Program.

• A track record of high-quality empirical research relevant to sustainable global prosperity;
• A PhD in economics or a closely related field;
• Capacity to attract external research funding;
• Capacity to attract, supervise, and mentor graduate students;
• Capacity to attract, develop and build relationships with other researchers including the interdisciplinary research community at Carleton University;
• Strong potential for outstanding teaching contributions

Apply via Applications must include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a job market paper, a statement of teaching interests and experience, and samples of research papers. Applicants should arrange to have three referees upload letters to Please include a statement that reflects your perspectives on and/or experience dealing with issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion in your teaching, service, or scholarly activities.

Full posting: Canada Research Chair Tier II

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
  • Letters of Reference Link
Application deadline: 11/30/2023