JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025

United States Army War College

School of Strategic Landpower
Command, Leadership, and Managment
Teaching Faculty

JOE ID Number: 2024-02_111474143
Date Posted: 08/28/2024
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Teaching Faculty
Section: US: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Carlisle, Pennsylvania, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
00 -- 00 - Default: Any Field
A1 -- General Economics
F5 -- International Relations, National Security, and International Political Economy
L0 -- General
Y9 -- Other
Z0 -- General
Teaching Faculty
Graduate School
Salary Range: 90,730 - 184,881
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Department of Command Leadership and Management at the United States Army War College (USAWC) in Carlisle, Pennsylvania invites applications for faculty positions beginning in July of 2025. The positions are at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or by exception, Full Professor. The College's philosophy is to create a long-term relationship with its civilian faculty. Initial appointments are up to three years, but five year reappointments are the norm and re-appointment denials are exceedingly rare.

USAWC is a unique educational experience for mid-career practitioners with 18-26 years of experience who are ascending to the executive level. The student body includes American and international military officers and civil servants, organized into seminars of 14-17 students. The 11-month, interdisciplinary curriculum features classes in strategic leadership, national security, and military strategy; many electives; and regular engagement with high-level US government and industry leaders. Completion awards a Master's Degree in Strategic Studies.

Teaching faculty are expected to contribute to the War College through teaching, scholarship, and service. Teaching requirements include instructing and facilitating seminar dialogue in core classes including strategic leadership and defense management. These classes survey a range of material related to leadership at the highest levels and management practices within the defense enterprise. Core courses are developed collaboratively by department faculty with individual faculty designing individual lessons while teaching the entire course to their assigned seminars. In addition to core instruction, professors design and teach elective courses related to their research interests.

Scholarship responsibilities include conducting and publishing research that advances knowledge in fields relevant to the curriculum, broader Department of Defense priorities, and the leadership field.

Service requirements include contributions internal to the college and external contributions. Internal service includes advising War College students and participating in various decision-making bodies (e.g., hiring panels, curriculum review working groups). External service opportunities include service to one's discipline and support to a wide variety of US Government entities (e.g., Army Research Institute, Command Assessment Program).

Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in a field related to Leadership or Management. This includes, but is not limited to, Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Public Policy, Public Administration, Economics, Cognitive and Decision Sciences, Sociology, Ethics, and Business Administration. Academic rank and appointment term duration is determined based on demonstrated scholarship, teaching/consulting experience, and professional accomplishments. This application is open to US citizens. Selected applicants are required to obtain and maintain a SECRET security clearance. Direct inquiries to

Application Requirements:
  • Application Instructions Below
Application deadline: 10/31/2024
Application Instructions:
Once the job announcement is finalized, application will be handled via USAJOBS.GOV. Prior to the official job announcement, direct all inquiries to