American Economic Review

ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)

AER Research Highlights

Research Highlights Podcast

More than a few bad apples

July 7, 2021
Steven Mello discusses discrimination within the Florida Highway Patrol and what it reveals about racial bias in the US.
Featured Chart

The fallout of bankruptcy reform

July 6, 2021
What are the economic consequences of making it more difficult for individuals to file for bankruptcy protection?
Research Highlights Article

"Drowning in products"

June 14, 2021
Are consumers helped more by professional critics’ reviews or crowd-based ratings?
Featured Chart

Applying themselves

June 7, 2021
Could reframing offers of financial aid help close the college-going gap between high- and low-income students?
Featured Chart

Building a family dynasty

May 24, 2021
How much do extended family members impact the growth of human capital for future generations?
Featured Chart

Decomposing news shocks

May 5, 2021
How do expectations about the future supply of oil affect today’s oil prices?
Featured Chart

The risk of research

April 12, 2021
How do companies weigh the tradeoffs with R&D investment?