American Economic Review

ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)

AER Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

The long shadow of colonial medicine

April 9, 2021
To what extent did French health campaigns from 70 years ago feed modern day mistrust in Central Africa?
Featured Chart

Free movement and labor markets

April 7, 2021
A policy reform in Switzerland helped estimate the effect of foreign workers on native employment and wages.
Research Highlights Podcast

How much do local leaders matter?

March 17, 2021
Christian Dippel discusses the Forty-Eighters and their role in the US antislavery movement.
Featured Chart

Estimating Frisch elasticity

March 10, 2021
A temporary tax holiday in Switzerland offers insights into how workers adjust to income changes.
Featured Chart

Disappearing gazelles

February 24, 2021
Fewer high-growth startups could be making the US economy much less dynamic.
Research Highlights Article

Beyond the lab

February 22, 2021
Do experiments with student participants produce valid measures of behavior within the general population?
Research Highlights Podcast

The consequences of school choice

February 3, 2021
Harvard professor Chris Avery discusses how allowing students to leave their neighborhood for their education may undercut policymakers' goals.
Featured Chart

Immigrants and upward mobility

February 1, 2021
Children of foreign-born parents climb the income ladder faster than kids of US-born parents, especially among the poorest families.