American Economic Review
ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)
Accepted Articles: Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
Please review these guidelines thoroughly before preparing and uploading your manuscript files, supplemental materials, and required documents (see checklist). All materials, with the exception of data and code, are uploaded through ScholarOne Manuscripts.
When preparing manuscripts, authors should follow the Chicago Manual of Style and the AER Style Guide.
Manuscript PDF
The manuscript PDF should include the main text, exhibits, references, and appendices. Manuscripts should not include a title page. Title and byline should be placed at the top of the first page.
Manuscript Native Files
Authors must provide the native files used to create the manuscript PDF. AEA templates may be used for LaTeX, Scientific Word, and Microsoft Word.
Data and Code
Authors of conditionally accepted papers that contain empirical work, simulations, or experimental work must provide information about the data, programs, and other details of the computations sufficient to permit replication, as well as information about access to data and programs. Data and programs should be archived in the AEA Data and Code Repository.
As part of the archive, authors must provide a README file listing all included files and documenting the purpose, format, and provenance of each file provided, as well as instructing a user on how replication can be conducted.
See the Data and Code Availability Policy for details.
Data and Code: Related Documents
Authors must provide a signed Data and Code Availability Form and a signed Data and Code Archive Agreement with the final manuscript files.
Author Disclosure Statements
Each (co)author must submit an individual disclosure statement (in PDF format) including the paper title and the author's name at the top. Statements must acknowledge (i) funding sources; (ii) any other potential conflict of interest; and (iii) IRB approval, if applicable. If there is nothing to disclose, an author is still required to supply a disclosure statement formally making that claim.
See the full AEA Disclosure Policy for details and guidance.
Supplemental Appendix
Authors may submit a Supplemental Appendix that contains material such as nonessential extensions, nonessential alternative specifications or robustness checks, and additional discussion that will be of interest to those pursuing work in the area.
The Supplemental Appendix must be provided as a separate PDF and should include a heading that begins with "Supplemental Appendix," followed by the manuscript title and the names of the authors. Supplemental appendices are posted under "Additional Materials" and are not edited or typeset.
Presentation Slides
Authors may supply optional presentation slides as a separate, clearly labeled PDF. Presentation slides are posted under "Additional Materials."
Publication Agreements
When authors fulfill all requirements of conditional acceptance, they will receive a Publication Agreement. Each (co)author must submit a separate, signed agreement and specify whether implicit or explicit reprint rights are preferred.