American Economic Review: Insights

ISSN 2640-205X (Print) | ISSN 2640-2068 (Online)

AER: Insights Research Highlights

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Hidden genius

December 16, 2020
How does a successful research career relate to where someone was born?
Research Highlights Podcast

Gendered laws

December 9, 2020
Penny Goldberg discusses how legal gender discrimination affects women’s economic opportunities around the globe.
Research Highlights Article

The DNA of new exporters

September 21, 2020
Which companies are successful at selling abroad?
Research Highlights Article

Kill the machines

September 8, 2020
To what extent can technological disruption lead to civil unrest?
Research Highlights Article

Room to grow

July 17, 2020
Are social insurance mandates holding back entrepreneurs?
Featured Chart

Breaking the poverty cycle

June 17, 2020
Can a support program for disadvantaged high school students have lasting effects?
Research Highlights Article

Figuring out what works

June 15, 2020
Healthy people follow health trends. That behavior can actually cloud research.
Featured Chart

Time to adjust

April 8, 2020
Do immigrants to the US assimilate more slowly than they used to?
Research Highlights Article

Numbing the China shock

March 9, 2020
Is there a link between free trade and deaths of despair?