American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics

ISSN 1945-7782 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7790 (Online)

AEJ: Applied Economics Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

Get the lead out

July 13, 2018
How much can we mitigate the damaging effects of lead exposure in kids?
Research Highlights Article

Putting a price on prejudice

June 29, 2018
Workplace discrimination is expensive. At what point does it become too costly for the discriminator?
Featured Chart

Money Matters

May 7, 2018
To what extent can educational finance reform close the achievement gap?
Research Highlights Article

Making a fresh start

April 25, 2018
What was the long-term impact of Hurricane Katrina on its victims' earnings?
Featured Chart

Re-evaluating risk

April 23, 2018
What can the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake tell us about how men and women respond differently to traumatic events?
Featured Chart

Better banking?

April 18, 2018
Access to basic accounts may not be enough to promote usage.
Research Highlights Article

A puzzling success

April 16, 2018
An entrepreneurship program in Chile worked, but not as expected.
Featured Chart

Won't you be my neighbor?

April 9, 2018
Sanitation practices help explain a longstanding puzzle over infant mortality rates in India.