American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics

ISSN 1945-7782 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7790 (Online)

AEJ: Applied Economics Research Highlights

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Representation matters

July 29, 2020
How much can role models help to diversify the economics profession?
Research Highlights Podcast

Building barriers

July 22, 2020
Benjamin Feigenberg discusses the effectiveness of border walls on deterring migration.
Featured Chart

Valuing past performance

July 15, 2020
How much do reference letters boost a job seeker's prospects for landing an interview?
Research Highlights Article

Clean hands and dirty jobs

June 19, 2020
How much do politicians’ relatives get special treatment on the job market?
Featured Chart

Keeping up best practices

May 26, 2020
Do management interventions last? The textile industry in India provides a clue.
Research Highlights Article

After the flood

April 24, 2020
Does economic activity move away from flood-prone areas after catastrophe strikes?
Featured Chart

Gendered medicine

April 22, 2020
How does homophily help explain the gender gap among physicians?
Research Highlights Article

When place matters most

April 10, 2020
Moving to nicer neighborhoods has lasting effects on kids' outcomes, especially in their teenage years.