American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics

ISSN 1945-7782 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7790 (Online)

AEJ: Applied Economics Research Highlights

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Party favors

December 12, 2018
Do competitive elections curb party favoritism?
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A shock to civility

November 5, 2018
When liberalized trade caused foreign competition to increase in Brazil, crime went up, too.
Research Highlights Article

Modern family

October 24, 2018
How do parental leave policies affect relationship stability at home?
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On the wrong track

October 17, 2018
An education reform at the University of Cape Town offers lessons on grouping students by academic achievement.
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Take it to the bank

October 3, 2018
How payment methods determine the amount you save
Research Highlights Article

Breaking down barriers

July 23, 2018
What are the spillover effects from free trade agreements?
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Investing in neighborhoods

July 16, 2018
Where are the biggest economic benefits when governments spend on infrastructure improvements?