American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy

ISSN 1945-7731 (Print) | ISSN 1945-774X (Online)

AEJ: Economic Policy Research Highlights

Research Highlights Article

Tuition troubles

January 13, 2020
Texas may show how to keep colleges open to poor students, while still providing a top-notch education.
Featured Chart

You can’t buy honesty

December 23, 2019
Boosting public sector wages might attract candidates more prone to corruption.
Research Highlights Article

The unintended effects of incentives

December 20, 2019
An experiment to get kids eating healthy shows how theories can miss key nuances in the real world.
Featured Chart

From start to finish

December 9, 2019
Preschool is more effective when paired with more K-12 spending. And vice versa.
Research Highlights Article

Embracing our differences

December 2, 2019
What effect does campus racial diversity have on the way whites act toward minority students?
Featured Chart

The downside of universal child care

October 9, 2019
Plenty of research finds positive effects of early childhood education. But can it ever have negative consequences?
Research Highlights Article

Bargaining the future

October 7, 2019
Unions provide protections for teachers, but how do they affect students over the long run?
Research Highlights Article

Debts and degrees

June 21, 2019
In a randomized controlled trial, telling students about loans led to more borrowing, but also better grades.