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Research Highlights Podcast

The long-run benefits of public preschool

December 22, 2021
Martha Bailey discusses the impact of Head Start on educational attainment and economic self-sufficiency in adulthood.
Featured Chart

Horizontal growth

December 20, 2021
How do innovative companies diversify their product portfolios?
Research Highlights Article

License to die

December 17, 2021
What impact does driving have on teenage mortality and risky behavior?
Featured Chart

A big push out of poverty

December 15, 2021
A program in India shows that helping the ultra poor can have long-lasting effects.
Research Highlights Podcast

Reimagining public safety research

December 8, 2021
Yale sociologist Monica Bell talks about why economists must change the way they study police.
Featured Chart

Regressive innovation

December 6, 2021
To what extent was the opioid epidemic driven by demand?