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Research Highlights Article

What drives drivers?

August 23, 2021
The preference for Uber's commission-based compensation over the fixed-fee arrangements of traditional taxis.
Research Highlights Podcast

The politics of tax evasion

August 18, 2021
Julie Berry Cullen and Ebonya Washington discuss the ways in which attitudes toward government affect how people report income.
Research Highlights Article

Weathering a sudden stop

August 13, 2021
What are the long-term effects of short-term financial crises?
Featured Chart

Location and mortality

August 11, 2021
Why do people in some parts of the United States live longer than others?
Research Highlights Podcast

Military handoffs

August 4, 2021
Austin Wright discusses the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan and the Taliban's response.
Featured Chart

Telegraphing prices

August 2, 2021
How did faster communication technology affect rice markets in 19th century China?