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Research Highlights Article

How IVF changed Israel’s marriage market

February 12, 2021
Extending their “biological clocks” led young Jewish-Israeli women to delay tying the knot and invest in themselves.
Featured Chart

Can policing be reformed?

February 10, 2021
A series of experiments in India changed officer behavior with relatively modest interventions.
Research Highlights Article

Blossoming borders

February 8, 2021
Indonesia's efforts to redraw political boundaries shed light on factors affecting ethnic polarization.
Research Highlights Podcast

The consequences of school choice

February 3, 2021
Harvard professor Chris Avery discusses how allowing students to leave their neighborhood for their education may undercut policymakers' goals.
Featured Chart

Immigrants and upward mobility

February 1, 2021
Children of foreign-born parents climb the income ladder faster than kids of US-born parents, especially among the poorest families.