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Navigating reality

February 26, 2020
How do maps shape economic decisions with the information they convey?
Research Highlights Article

One tax to rule them all

February 24, 2020
Uniform markups may be simple, but are states leaving tax revenue on the table?
Research Highlights Article

Breaking the silence

February 19, 2020
Do victims of sexual assault have an incentive to file a report earlier than libelers?
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Join the club

February 18, 2020
Safe spaces for young girls in Africa helped them take control of their lives.
Research Highlights Article

Dreaming of an education

February 14, 2020
The DACA program significantly boosted high school enrollment for undocumented migrants.
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Foreign investment

February 12, 2020
Public research universities in states that have had severe funding cuts for higher education have also had large gains in international students.