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Research Highlights Article

Carrying the scars of conflict

January 8, 2020
How does being exposed to violence as a child affect the behavior of asylum seekers in their new host country?
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Judging on gender

December 30, 2019
Student opinions of an instructor evolve differently depending on whether they're being taught by a man or woman.
Research Highlights Article

2019 in Research Highlights

December 27, 2019
Economists tackled populism, minimum wages, censorship, and more.
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You can’t buy honesty

December 23, 2019
Boosting public sector wages might attract candidates more prone to corruption.
Research Highlights Article

The unintended effects of incentives

December 20, 2019
An experiment to get kids eating healthy shows how theories can miss key nuances in the real world.
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Putting forth their best effort?

December 18, 2019
US students are falling behind their peers in other countries on academic assessments. How much of the gap could be explained by lackluster effort?
Research Highlights Article

The forces that unite and divide us

December 16, 2019
A more nuanced understanding of diversity can help explain why some nations are better at fostering a common identity.
Research Highlights Article

Doctor diversity matters

December 11, 2019
Having more black physicians could lead to better health among black men.
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From start to finish

December 9, 2019
Preschool is more effective when paired with more K-12 spending. And vice versa.