Research Highlights

AEA Research Highlights feature selected articles published in the AEA journals.

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Preventing teen pregnancies

August 16, 2017
When Colorado expanded access to long-acting reversible contraceptives, what impact did it have on teen birth rates?
Research Highlights Article

An offer you can't refuse

August 14, 2017
Did the Mafia exchange votes for construction contracts?
Research Highlights Article

Biking to a better future

August 9, 2017
An interview with Karthik Muralidharan about closing the education gender gap in India
Research Highlights Article

The Big Sort

July 28, 2017
Attending a prestigious college may have a bigger impact on future earnings than we thought
Research Highlights Article

A stalled stimulus

July 26, 2017
Did the "Cash for Clunkers" program actually hurt automakers?
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Phoning in your vote

July 24, 2017
How emigration can change a political landscape
Research Highlights Article

Tomorrow's Prices

July 21, 2017
An interview with Alberto Cavallo on why consumers have such a hard time thinking about inflation