
Showing 181-200 of 682 items.

Risk-Based Selection in Unemployment Insurance: Evidence and Implications

By Camille Landais, Arash Nekoei, Peter Nilsson, David Seim, and Johannes Spinnewijn

American Economic Review, April 2021

This paper studies whether adverse selection can rationalize a universal mandate for unemployment insurance (UI). Building on a unique feature of the unemployment policy in Sweden, where workers can opt for supplemental UI coverage above a minimum manda...

Is No News (Perceived As) Bad News? An Experimental Investigation of Information Disclosure

By Ginger Zhe Jin, Michael Luca, and Daniel Martin

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2021

This paper uses laboratory experiments to directly test a central prediction of disclosure theory: that strategic forces can lead those who possess private information to voluntarily provide it. In a simple sender-receiver game, we find that senders discl...

Friend-Based Ranking in Practice

By Francis Bloch and Matthew Olckers

AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2021

A planner aims to target individuals who exceed a threshold in a characteristic, such as wealth or ability. The individuals can rank their friends according to the characteristic. We study a strategy-proof mechanism for the planner to use the rankings for...

The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks

By Silvia Miranda-Agrippino and Giovanni Ricco

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, July 2021

Commonly used instruments for the identification of monetary policy disturbances are likely to combine the true policy shock with information about the state of the economy due to the information disclosed through the policy action. We show that this sign...

Market Fragmentation

By Daniel Chen and Darrell Duffie

American Economic Review, July 2021

We model a simple market setting in which fragmentation of trade of the same asset across multiple exchanges improves allocative efficiency. Fragmentation reduces the inhibiting effect of price-impact avoidance on order submission. Although fragmentation ...

Identity and the Economics of Organizations

[Symposium: Sociology and Economics]

By George A. Akerlof and Rachel E. Kranton

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2005

The economics of organizations is replete with the pitfalls of monetary rewards and punishments to motivate workers. If economic incentives do not work, what does? This paper proposes that workers' self-image as jobholders, coupled with their ideal as to ...