
Showing 261-280 of 668 items.

Screening Inattentive Buyers

By Jeffrey Mensch

American Economic Review, June 2022

Information plays a crucial role in mechanism design problems. A potential complication is that buyers may be inattentive, and so their information may endogenously and flexibly depend on the offered mechanism. I show that it is without loss of generality...

Bargaining with Mechanisms

By Marcin Pęski

American Economic Review, June 2022

Two players bargain over a single indivisible good and a transfer, with one-sided incomplete information about preferences. Both players can offer arbitrary mechanisms to determine the allocation. We show that there is a unique perfect Bayesian equilibriu...

The Gains from Pension Reform

By Assar Lindbeck and Mats Persson

Journal of Economic Literature, March 2003

We classify social security pension systems in three dimensions: actuarial versus non-actuarial, funded versus unfunded, and defined-benefit versus defined-contribution systems. Recent pension reforms are discussed in terms of these dimensions. Shifting t...

Investment and Information Acquisition

By Dimitri Migrow and Sergei Severinov

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2022

We study the interaction between productive investment and persuasion activities in a principal–agent setting with strategic disclosure. In an attempt to persuade the principal, the agent diverts substantial resources from productive activities to info...

Separating Ownership and Information

By Paul Voss and Marius Kulms

American Economic Review, September 2022

This paper identifies an upside of the separation of ownership and control, typically the source of inefficiencies in the theory of the firm. Because insiders obtain private information by exercising control, the separation of ownership and control leads ...