
Showing 281-300 of 668 items.

Experimental Cost of Information

By Tommaso Denti, Massimo Marinacci, and Aldo Rustichini

American Economic Review, September 2022

We relate two main representations of the cost of acquiring information: a cost that depends on the experiment performed, as in statistical decision theory, and a cost that depends on the distribution of posterior beliefs, as in applications of rational i...

Optimal Information Disclosure in Classic Auctions

By Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann, Stephen Morris, Constantine Sorokin, and Eyal Winter

American Economic Review: Insights, September 2022

We characterize the revenue-maximizing information structure in the second-price auction. The seller faces a trade-off: more information improves the efficiency of the allocation but creates higher information rents for bidders. The information disclosure...

The Microeconomics of Cryptocurrencies

By Hanna Halaburda, Guillaume Haeringer, Joshua Gans, and Neil Gandal

Journal of Economic Literature, September 2022

Since its launch in 2009 much has been written about Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and blockchains. While the discussions initially took place mostly on blogs and other popular media, we now are witnessing the emergence of a growing body of rigorous academ...

Communication and Cooperation in Markets

By S. Nageeb Ali and David A. Miller

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2022

Many markets rely on traders truthfully communicating who has cheated in the past and ostracizing those traders from future trade. This paper investigates when truthful communication is incentive compatible. We find that if each side has a myopic incentiv...

Deposit Requirements in Auctions

By Xiaogang Che, Tong Li, Jingfeng Lu, and Xiaoyong Zheng

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2022

We examine optimal auction design when buyers may receive future outside offers. The winning bidder may choose to default upon observing her outside offer. Under the optimal mechanism, the bidder with the highest value wins if and only if her value is abo...

Expectations-Based Loss Aversion May Help Explain Seemingly Dominated Choices in Strategy-Proof Mechanisms

By Bnaya Dreyfuss, Ori Heffetz, and Matthew Rabin

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2022

Deferred acceptance (DA), a widely implemented algorithm, is meant to improve allocations: under classical preferences, it induces preference-concordant rankings. However, recent evidence shows that—in both real, large-stakes applications and experiment...

Trading on Sunspots

By Boyan Jovanovic and Viktor Tsyrennikov

American Economic Review, December 2022

In a model with multiple Pareto-ranked equilibria, we show that the set of equilibria shrinks if we allow trade in assets that pay based on the realization of a sunspot acting as an equilibrium-selection device. When the probability of a low-output outcom...

Learning from Manipulable Signals

By Mehmet Ekmekci, Leandro Gorno, Lucas Maestri, Jian Sun, and Dong Wei

American Economic Review, December 2022

We study a dynamic stopping game between a principal and an agent. The principal gradually learns about the agent's private type from a noisy performance measure that can be manipulated by the agent via a costly and hidden action. We fully characterize th...

Dynamic Amnesty Programs

By Sam Kapon

American Economic Review, December 2022

A regulator faces a stream of agents engaged in crimes with stochastic returns. The regulator designs an amnesty program, committing to a time path of punishments for criminals who report their crimes. In an optimal program, time variation in the returns ...