
Showing 321-340 of 668 items.

Dynamic Privacy Choices

By Shota Ichihashi

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2023

I study a dynamic model of consumer privacy and platform data collection. In each period consumers choose their level of platform activity. Greater activity generates more information about the consumer, thereby increasing platform profits. When the platf...

Blind Disclosure

By Aaron Kolb, Marilyn Pease, Daniel W. Sacks, and Joshua Quick

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2023

We develop and test a theory of blind disclosure. A sender chooses whether to disclose information based on a preliminary, private signal. In the unique equilibrium, contrary to the literature's canonical unraveling result, senders disclose only if their ...

Smart Contracts and the Coase Conjecture

By Thomas Brzustowski, Alkis Georgiadis-Harris, and Balázs Szentes

American Economic Review, May 2023

This paper reconsiders the problem of a durable-good monopolist who cannot make intertemporal commitments. The buyer's valuation is binary and his private information. The seller has access to dynamic contracts and, in each period, decides whether to depl...