
Showing 341-360 of 668 items.

Optimal Procurement with Quality Concerns

By Giuseppe Lopomo, Nicola Persico, and Alessandro T. Villa

American Economic Review, June 2023

Adverse selection in procurement arises when low-cost bidders are also low-quality suppliers. We propose a mechanism called LoLA (lowball lottery auction) which, under some conditions, maximizes any combination of buyer's and social surplus, subject to in...

Adverse Selection in Low-Income Health Insurance Markets: Evidence from an RCT in Pakistan

By Torben Fischer, Markus Frölich, and Andreas Landmann

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, July 2023

We present robust evidence on adverse selection in hospitalization insurance for low-income individuals that received first-time access to insurance. A large randomized control trial from Pakistan allows us to separate adverse selection from moral hazard,...

Working for References

By Samuel Häfner and Curtis R. Taylor

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2023

We analyze the incentive and welfare consequences of job references in a large economy marked by moral hazard, limited liability, exogenous job separation, and structural unemployment. In the firm-optimal equilibrium, employers provide references whenever...

Self-Reported Signaling

By Thomas Jungbauer and Michael Waldman

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2023

In many real-world settings, an action that affects the value of a product or service is self-reported rather than publicly observable. We investigate self-reporting when self-reports serve as a signal of sender productivity. In our model, a sender choose...

Judicial Mechanism Design

By Ron Siegel and Bruno Strulovici

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2023

This paper proposes a mechanism-design approach to study criminal justice systems. We derive properties of optimal mechanisms for two notions of welfare distinguished by their treatment of deterrence. These properties provide insights into the effects of ...

Bid Caps in Noisy Contests

By Qiang Fu, Zenan Wu, and Yuxuan Zhu

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2023

This paper studies optimal bid caps in a multiplayer noisy contest in which a higher bid does not guarantee a sure win. The bid cap can be either rigid or flexible. The former imposes outright bidding restrictions on players' bids, while the latter taxes ...

Disclosure in Markets for Ratings

By Ran Weksler and Boaz Zik

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2023

We study the implications of the disclosure regime of ratings on the level of information released to the public. Specifically, we compare mandatory and voluntary disclosure. We analyze a model where the potential issuers are initially endowed with homoge...

Voting for Democracy: Chile's Plebiscito and the Electoral Participation of a Generation

By Ethan Kaplan, Fernando Saltiel, and Sergio Urzúa

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, August 2023

This paper assesses the long-term consequences of voting for democracy. We study Chile's 1988 plebiscite, which ended 15 years of dictatorship and reestablished democracy. Taking advantage of individual-level voting data, we implement an age-based regress...

Decision Theory and Stochastic Growth

By Arthur Robson, Larry Samuelson, and Jakub Steiner

American Economic Review: Insights, September 2023

This paper examines connections between stochastic growth and decision problems. We use tools from the theory of large deviations to show that wishful thinking decision problems are equivalent to utility maximization problems, both of which are equivalent...

Regulation Design in Insurance Markets

By Dhruva Bhaskar, Andrew McClellan, and Evan Sadler

American Economic Review, October 2023

Regulators often impose rules that constrain the behavior of market participants. We study the design of regulatory policy in an insurance market as a delegation problem. A regulator restricts the menus of contracts an informed firm is permitted to offer,...