
Showing 361-380 of 668 items.

Matching Mechanisms for Refugee Resettlement

By David Delacrétaz, Scott Duke Kominers, and Alexander Teytelboym

American Economic Review, October 2023

Current refugee resettlement processes account for neither the preferences of refugees nor the priorities of hosting communities. We introduce a new framework for matching with multidimensional knapsack constraints that captures the (possibly multidimensi...

Monitor Reputation and Transparency

By Iván Marinovic and Martin Szydlowski

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2023

We study the disclosure policy of a regulator overseeing a monitor with reputation concerns. The monitor faces a manager, who chooses how much to manipulate based on the monitor's reputation. Reputational incentives are strongest for intermediate reputati...

A Model of Sequential Crisis Management

By Fei Li and Jidong Zhou

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2023

We propose a model of how multiple societies respond to a common crisis. A government faces a "damned-either-way" policymaking dilemma: aggressive intervention contains the crisis, but the resulting good outcome makes people skeptical about the costly res...

Herd Design

By Itai Arieli, Ronen Gradwohl, and Rann Smorodinsky

American Economic Review: Insights, December 2023

The classic herding model examines the asymptotic behavior of agents who observe their predecessors' actions as well as a private signal from an exogenous information structure. In this paper, we introduce a self-interested sender into the model and study...

Is It Who You Are or What You Get? Comparing the Impacts of Loans and Grants for Microenterprise Development

By Bruno Crépon, Mohamed El Komi, and Adam Osman

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2024

Is the type of financial support provided to businesses more important than which businesses receive it? Loans and grants can lead to differences in optimal investments and in scope for moral hazard. We randomize 3,293 business loan applicants into receiv...

Adverse Selection Dynamics in Privately Produced Safe Debt Markets

By Nathan Foley-Fisher, Gary Gorton, and Stéphane Verani

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2024

Privately produced safe debt is designed so that there is no adverse selection in trade. But in some macro states—here, the onset of the pandemic—it becomes profitable for some agents to produce private information, and then agents face adverse select...

The Comparative Statics of Sorting

By Axel Anderson and Lones Smith

American Economic Review, March 2024

We create a general and tractable theory of increasing sorting in pairwise matching models with monetary transfers. The positive quadrant dependence partial order subsumes Becker (1973) as the extreme cases with most and least sorting and implies increasi...

Can Financial Incentives to Firms Improve Apprenticeship Training? Experimental Evidence from Ghana

By Gabriel Brown, Morgan Hardy, Isaac Mbiti, Jamie McCasland, and Isabelle Salcher

American Economic Review: Insights, March 2024

We use a field experiment to test whether financial incentives can improve the quality of apprenticeship training. Trainers (firm owners) in the treatment group participated in a tournament incentive scheme where they received a payment based on their app...