
Showing 501-520 of 668 items.

Derivative Assets Analysis

[Symposium: Arbitrage]

By Mark Rubinstein

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Fall 1987

Derivative assets analysis enjoys an unusual status; it is a recently developed, relatively complex tool of economic analysis, faithful to the core of economic theory, and widely used to make real-life decisions. This paper, discusses derivative assets ba...

Value Maximization and the Acquisition Process

[Symposium: Takeovers]

By Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1988

Like the rest of us, corporate managers have many personal goals and ambitions, only one of which is to get rich. The way they try to run their companies reflects these personal goals. Shareholders, in contrast, deprived of the pleasures of running the co...

How Auctions Work for Wine and Art

[Symposium: Auctions]

By Orley Ashenfelter

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1989

At the first wine auction I ever attended, I saw the repeal of the law of one price. This empirical surprise led me to begin collecting data on wine auctions, to interview auctioneers, and even to buy a little wine. In the meantime I have also had the opp...

Retrospectives: Ceteris Paribus

By Joseph Persky

Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1990

In Webster's Dictionary is an example of how to use "ceteris paribus": [S]taple-growing states are, ceteris paribus, more favorable to slave labor than manufacturing states." I suspect it would take a minor treatise to elucidate fully the ceteris paribus ...

Social Learning with Coarse Inference

By Antonio Guarino and Philippe Jehiel

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2013

We study social learning by boundedly rational agents. Agents take a decision in sequence, after observing their predecessors and a private signal. They are unable to make perfect inferences from their predecessors' decisions: they only understand the r...

Public Transfers and Domestic Violence: The Roles of Private Information and Spousal Control

By Gustavo J. Bobonis, Melissa González-Brenes, and Roberto Castro

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, February 2013

We study whether transfer programs in which funds are targeted to women decrease the incidence of spousal abuse. We examine the impact of the Mexican Oportunidades program on spousal abuse rates and threats of violence using data from a specialized sur...

Pandering to Persuade

By Yeon-Koo Che, Wouter Dessein, and Navin Kartik

American Economic Review, February 2013

An agent advises a principal on selecting one of multiple projects or an outside option. The agent is privately informed about the projects' benefits and shares the principal's preferences except for not internalizing her value from the outside option. ...