
Showing 641-660 of 668 items.

Redistribution and Social Insurance

By Mikhail Golosov, Maxim Troshkin, and Aleh Tsyvinski

American Economic Review, February 2016

We study optimal redistribution and insurance in a life-cycle economy with private idiosyncratic shocks. We characterize Pareto optima, show the forces determining optimal labor distortions, and derive closed form expressions for their limiting behavior. ...

Search Design and Broad Matching

By Kfir Eliaz and Ran Spiegler

American Economic Review, March 2016

We study decentralized mechanisms for allocating firms into search pools. The pools are created in response to noisy preference signals provided by consumers, who then browse the pools via costly random sequential search. Surplus-maximizing search pool...

Manipulability of Stable Mechanisms

By Peter Chen, Michael Egesdal, Marek Pycia, and M. Bumin Yenmez

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2016

We study the manipulability of stable matching mechanisms and show that manipulability comparisons are equivalent to preference comparisons: for any agent, a mechanism is more manipulable than another if and only if this agent prefers the latter to the...

The Economics of Privacy

By Alessandro Acquisti, Curtis Taylor, and Liad Wagman

Journal of Economic Literature, June 2016

This article summarizes and draws connections among diverse streams of theoretical and empirical research on the economics of privacy. We focus on the economic value and consequences of protecting and disclosing personal information, and on consumers' und...

Perceiving Prospects Properly

By Jakub Steiner and Colin Stewart

American Economic Review, July 2016

When an agent chooses between prospects, noise in information processing generates an effect akin to the winner's curse. Statistically unbiased perception systematically overvalues the chosen action because it fails to account for the possibility that noi...

Just Enough or All: Selling a Firm

By Mehmet Ekmekci, Nenad Kos, and Rakesh Vohra

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2016

We consider the problem of selling a firm to a single buyer. The buyer privately knows post-sale cash flows and the benefits of control. Unlike the case where buyer's private information is one-dimensional, the optimal mechanism is a menu of tuples of cas...