
Showing 101-120 of 693 items.

Auctions with Limited Commitment

By Qingmin Liu, Konrad Mierendorff, Xianwen Shi, and Weijie Zhong

American Economic Review, March 2019

We study the role of limited commitment in a standard auction environment. In each period, the seller can commit to an auction with a reserve price but not to future reserve prices. We characterize the set of equilibrium profits attainable for the seller ...

Selling to Advised Buyers

By Andrey Malenko and Anton Tsoy

American Economic Review, April 2019

In many cases, buyers are not informed about their valuations and rely on experts, who are informed but biased for overbidding. We study auction design when selling to such "advised buyers." We show that a canonical dynamic auction, the English auction, h...

Multiple Lenders, Strategic Default, and Covenants

By Andrea Attar, Catherine Casamatta, Arnold Chassagnon, and Jean-Paul Décamps

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2019

We study capital markets in which investors compete by designing financial contracts to control an entrepreneur's ability to side trade and default on multiple loans. We show that covenants may have anticompetitive effects: in particular, they prevent inv...

Policies in Relational Contracts

By Daniel Barron and Michael Powell

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2019

We consider how a firm's policies constrain its relational contracts. A policy is a sequence of decisions made by a principal; each decision determines how agents' efforts affect their outputs. We consider surplus-maximizing policies in a flexible dynamic...

The Culture of Overconfidence

By V. Bhaskar and Caroline Thomas

American Economic Review: Insights, June 2019

Perceptions of overconfidence can exacerbate the tendency of reputationally concerned leaders to continue bad projects. Reputation concerns alone induce a bias toward inefficient continuation in a leader receiving information privately. When she is overco...