CSWEP: Haworth Committee Funding
Co-Sponsorship of Mentoring Events and Experiences for Women Professional Economists
The Haworth Committee administers co-sponsorship of mentoring events and experiences through the Joan Haworth Mentoring Fund and CSWEP experimental funding. Funding requests must be consistent with the mission of CSWEP. Successful applicants will be asked to write a summary of what they have gained from the mentoring effort.
Joan Haworth Mentoring Fund
Joan Haworth was a stalwart supporter of CSWEP who served on the CSWEP Board as a member and ex-officio member from 1981-2011, including a term as CSWEP Chair from 2001-2003. In her honor and to continue her legacy of mentoring junior female economists, the Joan Haworth Mentoring Fund was established. It is intended for use by institutions and senior women to provide mentoring support in the form of supplemental travel expenses. The objective of this fund is to encourage senior mentoring women and institutions to incorporate mentoring of junior professionals into their programs. It is designed to provide travel funds to permit mentors to either extend a visit to an institution for the purpose of mentoring or to visit an institution for that purpose alone.
Host institutions, junior women or the mentor herself may submit a funding application. Guidelines for the expenses covered are the same as the AEA Guidelines for travel expenses. The funds are administered through the AEA and granted by application to the CSWEP Board.
Guidelines for applications include:
1) The vast majority of approved requests are under $1000.
2) Cost-sharing with the home institution is required. The most typical application is to use the Haworth mentoring fund to pay for an additional hotel night and meals to extend the visit of a seminar visitor (funded by the home institution) for the purposes of mentoring activities.
3) The mentoring must benefit more than an individual faculty member. Potential beneficiaries include other female junior faculty and other female graduate students, although undergraduates intending to pursue graduate study in economics may also be considered. Mentoring activities can take place individually or in groups. Notice that mentoring does not have to occur strictly within field. Established senior mentors can provide professional development advice (e.g. publishing, networking, etc) to those outside their field.
CSWEP Experimental Funding
As part of an experimental outreach program, CSWEP has minor funding (most successful applications are less than $1K) available for co-sponsoring one-off mentoring events and experiences that are consistent with CSWEP’s mission.
For example, in 2013 CSWEP provided supplemental funds to defray the travel expenses of multiple mentors to a pre-conference junior mentoring workshop at the 2013 Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group as well as contributed to a Speed Mentoring event organized by DC-Women in the Economics Profession.
How to Apply
To apply for funding consideration, please email info@cswep.org and ask for the Haworth Application form.
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis; please allow ten business days for committee review.
All successful applicants will be required to write a summary of what they have gained from the mentoring effort for possible reporting use by CSWEP in its Annual Report and promotional materials.
All other questions should also be directed to: info@cswep.org.