Committee on Government Relations
The Committee on Government Relations (AEACGR) is a subcommittee of the American Economic Association charged with representing the interests of the economics profession in Washington, DC, and other locations around the country, without taking a position on questions of economic policy or on any partisan matter. Examples of AEACGR activities include:
- Tracking proposed legislation, regulations, and agency decisions relevant to the scientific interests of the AEA.
- Informing AEA leadership and interested members about matters of broad interest or concern to the profession.
- Providing information to decision makers on the value of sound economic data and research that enhances our understanding of economic activity.
- Responding as needed to proposed legislation, regulations, and agency decisions that would affect the scientific interests of the AEA, by preparing statements for or meeting with policy makers and/or working with other concerned organizations to support positions that best favor vibrant economic research.
- Working with the AEA's Committee on Economic Statistics (AEAStat) on matters that concern both committees.
While AEAStat is centrally concerned with economic data and statistics, AEACGR tracks a broader range of government developments relevant to economic science, including support for economic research, policies that could affect graduate education in economics, the use of evidence in policymaking, and other areas of concern that could benefit from its perspectives.
To support the work of the AEACGR, in 2009 the American Economic Association established a Government Relations Office (GRO) managed by a Director of Government Relations in Washington, DC. Dr. Martha Starr is the current Director of Government Relations. She can be reached at
- Committee Members
- Resources
- Reports and Communications with Policymakers
- Annual Reports
- Contact the Committee