2019 Candidates for Office

Election CandidatesBalloting for the AEA election opened on August 1, 2018.  AEA members will receive an electronic invitation to vote in the AEA's annual election of officers for 2019. This e-mail communication will be sent on behalf of the AEA by Intelliscan, Inc., an independent election services provider with which the AEA has contracted. Please add aea@intelliscaninc.net to your safe senders list. Watch for this invitation and please take a moment to cast your vote. Casting your vote or choosing to opt out electronically will prevent further ballot reminders.

Thank you for your participation in this election.

On the basis of recommendations submitted by the Nominating Committee (Chair Richard Thaler, Katharine Abraham, Marianne Bertrand, Rachel Kranton, Alan Krueger, Paul Milgrom, Thomas Philippon, and Valerie Ramey), the Electoral College presents these nominees with a brief biographical sketch of each candidate. (See Bylaws, Article III, Sections 1-3, and Article IV, Section 2, for provisions relating to election of officers and selection of nominees.). For the list of present officers, see the inside front cover of all American Economic Association publications.

For President-Elect

JANET L. YELLEN, Distinguished Fellow in Residence, Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution

Previous and Present Positions: Assistant Professor, Harvard University, 1971-76; Economist, Federal Reserve Board, 1977-78; Lecturer, London School of Economics, 1978-80; Assistant, Associate, Full Professor, Eugene E. and Catherine M. Trefethen Professor of Business and Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, 1980-2006; Member, Federal Reserve Board, 1994-97; Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, 1997-99; President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2004-10; Vice Chair, Federal Reserve Board, 2010-14; Chair, Federal Reserve Board, 2014-18.

Degrees: Brown University, B.A. in Economics, 1967; Yale University, Ph.D. in Economics, 1971.

Publications: “Commodity Bundling and the Burden of Monopoly,” (with Adams), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1976; “Factor Mobility, Regional Development and the Distribution of Income,” (with McCulloch), Journal of Political Economy, 1977; “Efficiency Wage Models of Unemployment,” AER, 1984; “Unemployment through the Filter of Memory,” (with Akerlof), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1985; “A Near-Rational Model of the Business Cycle with Wage and Price Inertia,” (with Akerlof), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1985; “Can Small Deviations from Rationality Make Significant Differences to Economic Equilibria?” (with Akerlof), AER, 1985; “Job Switching and Job Satisfaction in the U.S. Labor Market,” (with Akerlof and Rose), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1988; “The Fair Wage/Effort Hypothesis and Unemployment,” (with Akerlof), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1990; “East Germany In From the Cold: The Economic Aftermath of Currency Union,” (with Akerlof, Rose and Hessenius), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1991; “An Analysis of Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing in the United States,” (with Akerlof and Katz), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1996; The Fabulous Decade: Macroeconomic Lessons from the 1990s, (with Blinder), New York: The Century Foundation Press, 2001; “Stabilization Policy: A Reconsideration,” (with Akerlof), Presidential Address to the Western Economic Association, Economic Inquiry, 2006.

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships, and Honors: Nominating Committee, 1988-90; Vice President, 2004-05; Distinguished Fellow, 2012.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Guggenheim Fellow, 1986-87; Committee of Visitors, National Science Foundation Economics Program, 2004; Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree, Brown University, 1998; Member, Council on Foreign Relations, 2006; President, Western Economics Association, 2003-04; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2001; Fellow, Econometric Society, 2014; Honorary Doctor of Commercial Science, New York University, 2014; Honorary Doctor of Science Degree, London School of Economics, 2015; Honorary Doctor of Social Science, Yale University, 2015; Radcliffe Medal, 2016; Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government, 2017.


For Vice-Presidents

MAUREEN L. CROPPER, Distinguished University Professor & Chair, Department of Economics, University of Maryland.

Previous and Present Positions: Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland, 2011-; Senior Fellow, Resources for the Future, 1990-93, 2009-; Lead Economist, Research Department, World Bank, 1993-2006; Professor of Economics, University of Maryland, 1992-; Associate Professor, 1982-92; Assistant Professor, 1980-82; Assistant Professor, Economics, University of Southern California, 1978-80; Assistant Professor, Economics, University of California, Riverside, 1973-78.

Degrees: Bryn Mawr College, B.A., Economics, 1969; Cornell University, M.A., Economics, 1972; Cornell University, Ph.D., Economics, 1973.

Publications: “Health, Investment in Health and Occupational Choice,” Journal of Political Economy, 1977; “On the Choice of Functional Form for Hedonic Price Functions,” (with Deck and McConnell), Review of Economics and Statistics,1988; “The Determinants of Pesticide Regulation: A Statistical Analysis of EPA Decision Making,” (with Evans, Berardi, Ducla-Soares, and Portney), Journal of Political Economy, 1992; “Environmental Economics: A Survey,” (with Oates), JEL, 1992; “Preferences for Life Saving Programs: How the Public Discounts Time and Age,” (with Aydede and Portney), Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1994; “Sulfur Dioxide Control by Electric Utilities: What Are the Gains from Trade?,” (with Carlson, Burtraw, and Palmer), Journal of Political Economy, 2000; “Age, Health and the Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reductions: A Contingent Valuation Survey of Ontario  Residents,” (with Krupnick, Alberini, Simon, O’Brien, Goeree, and Heintzelman), Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2002; “Traffic Fatalities and Economic Growth,” (with Kopits), Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2005; “The Effects of Urban Spatial Structure on Travel Demand in the United States,” (with Bento, Mobarak, and Vinha), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2005; “The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health,” (co-Author), The Lancet, 2017; “Household Location Decisions and the Value of Climate Amenities,” (with Sinha and Caulkins), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018; “The Impact of Trading on the Costs and Benefits of the Acid Rain Program,” (with Chan, Chupp, and Muller), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018.

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships, and Honors: Member, CSWEP, 1995-97; Editorial Board, JEP, 1999-2004; Member, Committee on Government Relations, 2014-15.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Member, National Academy of Sciences, 2008; Research Associate, NBER, 2007; Fellow, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2006; Member, EPA Science Advisory Board, 1997-2006; Vice-Chair NAS-NRC Committee on the Hidden Costs of Energy, 2008-09; Member, NAS Board Division of Earth and Life Sciences, 2013-16; Co-Chair NAS-NRC Committee on Estimating the Social Cost of Carbon, 2015-17.

LAWRENCE F. KATZ, Elisabeth Allison Professor of Economics, Harvard University

Previous and Present Positions: Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley, 1985-86; Assistant and Associate Professor of Economics, Harvard University, 1986-91; Professor of Economics, Harvard University, 1991-2003; Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Labor, 1993-94; Elisabeth Allison Professor of Economics, Harvard University, 2003-.

Degrees: A.B. (Economics), University of California, Berkeley, 1981; Ph.D. (Economics), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.

Publications: “A Most Egalitarian Profession: Pharmacy and the Evolution of a Family-Friendly Occupation,” (with Goldin), Journal of Labor Economics, 2016; “The Effects of Exposure to Better Neighborhoods on Children: New Evidence from the Moving to Opportunity Experiment,” (with Chetty and Hendren), AER, 2016; “The For-Profit Postsecondary School Sector: Nimble Critters or Agile Predators?,” (with Deming and Goldin), JEP, 2012; “Dynamics of the Gender Gap for Young Professionals in the Financial and Corporate Sectors,” (with Bertrand and Goldin), AEJ: Applied Economics, 2010; “Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists,” (with Autor and Kearney), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2008; The Race between Education and Technology, (with Goldin), Harvard University Press, 2008; “Experimental Analysis of Neighborhood Effects,” (with Kling and Liebman), Econometrica, 2007; “The Power of the Pill: Oral Contraceptives and Women’s Career and Marriage Decisions,” (with Goldin), Journal of Political Economy, 2002; “Computing Inequality: Have Computers Changed the Labor Market?” (with Autor and Krueger), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998; “Regional Evolutions,” (with Blanchard), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1992; “Changes in Relative Wages, 1963-87: Supply and Demand Factors,” (with Murphy), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1992;  “Efficiency Wage Theories: A Partial Evaluation,” NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 1986.

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships and Honors: Chair, Oversight Committee for the Registry of Randomized Control Trials, 2012-; Honors and Awards Committee, 2014-17; Committee for Oversight of Operations and Publishing, 2009-10; Search Committee, Editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2007-08; Executive Committee, 2006-08; Search Committee, Editor of AEJ: Applied Economics, 2006;  AEA Meetings, Invited Lecture, “Recent Developments in Labor Economics,” 1992.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Editor, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1991-; Co-Scientific Director and Co-Founder, J-PAL North America, 2013-; Member, National Academy of Sciences, 2014-; Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 2012-; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2001-; Fellow, Econometric Society, 1993-; Fellow, Society of Labor Economists, 2005-, President 2013-14; Member, Board of Trustees, Russell Sage Foundation, 2009-; Member, Board of Directors, MDRC, 2009-; Member, Panel of Economic Advisers, Congressional Budget Office, 2004-16; Susan C. Eaton Scholar-Practitioner Award of the Labor and Employment Relations Association, 2009; H. Gregg Lewis Prize, Journal of Labor Economics, 1993; Research Associate, 1990-, Faculty Research Fellow, 1985-90, NBER.

PRESTON McAFEE, Economist at Large

Previous and Present Positions: Chief Economist and Corporate Vice-President, Microsoft, 2014-18; Research Director, Google, 2012-14; Chief Economist and Vice-President, Yahoo!, 2007-12; Professor and Executive Officer, Caltech, 2004-07; Professor and Chair, University of Texas at Austin, 1990-2003; Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, University of Western Ontario, 1981-90.

Degrees: Ph.D., Purdue University, 1980; MS Mathematics, Purdue University, 1978; MS Economics, Purdue University, 1978; BA Economics, University of Florida, 1976.

Publications: “Evolutionary Customers Imply Monopolies Exit,” (with Hummel), International Economic Review, forthcoming; “Machine Learning in an Auction Environment,” (with Hummel) Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2016; “Evaluating the ‘Big Deal’ Journal Bundles,” (with Bergstrom, Courant and Williams), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014; “The Cost of Annoying Ads,” (with Goldstein and Suri), WWW 2013: Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on the World Wide Web, 2013; “Capacity Choice Counters the Coase Conjecture,” (with Wiseman), Review of Economic Studies, 2008; “Signaling Character in Electoral Competition,” (with Kartik), AER, 2007; “Coarse Matching,” Econometrica, 2002; “Auctioning Entry into Tournaments,” (with Fullerton), Journal of Political Economy, 1999; “Opportunism in Multilateral Vertical Contracting: Nondiscrimination, Exclusivity and Uniformity,” (with Schwartz), AER, 1994; “Mechanism Design by Competing Sellers,” Econometrica, 1993; “Animal Spirits,” (with Howitt), AER, 1992; “Bidding Rings,” (with McMillan), AER, 1992; “Correlated Information and Mechanism Design,” (with Reny), Econometrica, 1992; “Extracting the Surplus in Common Value Auctions,” (with McMillan and Reny), Econometrica, 1989; “Commodity Bundling by a Monopolist,” (with McMillan and Whinston), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1989.

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships, and Honors: Co-Editor, AER, 1993-2002; AEA Editor Search Committee for AEJ: Microeconomics, 2006; AEA Committee to Select the AER Editor, 2004; AEA Program Committee, 2004 Meetings; AEA Nominating Committee, 2002; Organized AEA session in honor of William Vickrey, 1992; Associate Editor, AER, 1992-93, 2002-05.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Board of Trustees, 2018-; Member of the Board of Governors, Pardee Rand Graduate School, 2010-; Founding Co-Editor, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 2011-17; Editor, Economic Inquiry, 2007-12 (Introduced “no revisions” option); EconJobMarket.org Advisory Board, 2007-17; Fellow of the Game Theory Society, elected 2017; Golden Goose Award, 2014; Distinguished Fellow of the Industrial Organization Society, 2011; Sparc Innovator, 2009; Honorary Doctorate in Economics, granted by Purdue University, 2008; Fellow of the Econometric Society, 1995; Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Theory, 1992-96, 2002-04.

DAVID H. ROMER, Herman Royer Professor in Political Economy, University of California, Berkeley

Previous and Present Positions: Royer Professor in Political Economy, University of California, Berkeley, 2000-; Senior Resident Scholar, International Monetary Fund, 2009-10; University of California, Berkeley: Professor, 1993-2000, Associate Professor, 1990-93, Acting Associate Professor, 1988-90; Assistant Professor, Princeton University, 1985-88.

Degrees: A.B., Princeton University, 1980; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.

Publications: Advanced Macroeconomics, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill, 2019; “Why Some Times Are Different: Macroeconomic Policy and the Aftermath of Financial Crises” (with C. Romer), Economica, 2018; “New Evidence on the Aftermath of Financial Crises in Advanced Countries” (with C. Romer), AER, 2017; “Transfer Payments and the Macroeconomy: The Effects of Social Security Benefit Increases, 1952-1991” (with C. Romer), AEJ: Macroeconomics, 2016; “The Incentive Effects of Marginal Tax Rates: Evidence from the Interwar Era” (with C. Romer), AEJ: Economic Policy, 2014; “The Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Changes: Estimates Based on a New Measure of Fiscal Shocks” (with C. Romer), AER, 2010; “Do Firms Maximize? Evidence from Professional Football,” Journal of Political Economy, 2006; “A New Measure of Monetary Shocks: Derivation and Implications” (with C. Romer), AER, 2004; “Federal Reserve Information and the Behavior of Interest Rates” (with C. Romer), AER, 2000; “Keynesian Macroeconomics without the LM Curve,” JEP, 2000; “Does Trade Cause Growth?” (with Frankel), AER, 1999; “A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth” (with Mankiw and Weil), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1992; “Real Rigidities and the Non-Neutrality of Money” (with Ball), Review of Economic Studies, 1990; “Does Monetary Policy Matter? A New Test in the Spirit of Friedman and Schwartz” (with C. Romer), NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 1989; “The New Keynesian Economics and the Output-Inflation Trade-off” (with Ball and Mankiw), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1988.

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships and Honors: Executive Committee, 2007-10; Editorial Boards: AEJ: Economic Policy, 2014-, AEJ: Macroeconomics, 2007-13, AER, 1996-2002; Editor Search Committee, AEJ: Economic Policy, 2014; Program Committee, 2003, 2006, 2008; AER Excellence in Refereeing Award.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Director (with C. Romer), Monetary Economics program, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003-2018; editor (with Wolfers), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2009-15; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006-; National Bureau of Economic Research: Faculty Research Fellow, 1986-93, Research Associate, 1993-; University of California Social Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award, 2014; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship, 1991-93.



For Executive Committee

Martha Bailey, Professor of Economics, University of Michigan

Previous and Present Positions: Department of Economics, Professor, 2017-; Department of Economics, Associate Professor (with tenure), 2013-17; Department of Economics, Assistant Professor, 2007-13.

Degrees: Agnes Scott College, B.A. in Economics and German Literature, 1997; Vanderbilt University, M.A. in Economics, 2003; Vanderbilt University, Ph.D. in Economics, 2005.

Publications: “More Power to the Pill: The Impact of Contraceptive Freedom on Women’s Lifecycle Labor Supply,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2006; “The Wage Gains of African-American Women in the 1940s” (with Collins), Journal of Economic History, 2006; “Momma’s Got the Pill: How Anthony Comstock and Griswold v. Connecticut Shaped U.S. Childbearing,” AER, 2010; “Did Improvements in Household Technology Cause the Baby Boom? Evidence from Electrification, Appliance Diffusion, and the Amish” (with Collins), AEJ:Macro-economics, 2011; “The Opt-In Revolution? Contraception, Fertility Timing and the Gender Gap in Wages” (with Hershbein and Miller), AEJ:Applied Economics, 2012; “Reexamining the Impact of U.S. Family Planning Programs on U.S. Fertility: Evidence from the War on Poverty and Early Years of Title X,” AEJ:Applied Economics, 2012; “Fifty Years of U.S. Family Planning: New Evidence on the Long-Run Effects of Increasing Access to Contraception,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2013; “How the U.S. Fought the War on Poverty: The Economics and Politics of Funding at the Office of Economic Opportunity” (with Duquette), Journal of Economic History, 2014; Legacies of the War on Poverty (edited volume, with Danziger), 2013; “The War on Poverty’s Experiment in Public Medicine: The Impact of Community Health Centers on the Mortality of Older Americans” (with Goodman-Bacon), AER, March 2015; “Hope for America’s Next Generation” (with Timpe), Science, 2016.

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships, and Honors: Director, CeMENT Workshop for Faculty in Doctoral Programs and CSWEP Board Member, 2017-20; Associate Editor, AER, 2018-; Board of Editors, JEL, 2015-.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research 2013-; Arthur H. Cole Prize for best article published in the Journal of Economic History, 2014; IZA Young Labor Economist Award, 2013; Deputy Editor, Demography, 2013-16; Editorial Board, Journal of Economic History, 2008-11; University of Michigan, Class of 1923 Memorial Teaching Award, June 2013; University of Michigan, John Dewey Teaching Award for outstanding teaching of undergraduates, June 2017.

SUSANTO BASU, Professor of Economics, Boston College

Previous and Present Positions: Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, 1992–98; Associate Professor, University of Michigan, 1998–2003; Professor, University of Michigan, 2003-05; Professor, Boston College, 2005-; Visiting faculty, Harvard University, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2014.

Degrees: Harvard University A.B., 1986; Ph.D., 1992.

Publications: “Intermediate Goods and Business Cycles: Implications for Productivity and Welfare,” AER, 1995; “Are Apparent Productive Externalities a Figment of Specification Error?” (with Fernald), Journal of Monetary Economics, 1995; “Procyclical Productivity: Increasing Returns or Cyclical Utilization?” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1996; “Returns to Scale in U.S. Production: Estimates and Implications” (with Fernald), Journal of Political Economy, 1997; “Appropriate Technology and Growth” (with Weil), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1998; “Business Cycles in International Historical Perspective” (with Taylor), JEP, 1999; “Aggregate Productivity and Aggregate Technology” (with Fernald), European Economic Review, 2002; “The Case of the Missing Productivity Growth” (with Fernald, Oulton and Srinivasan), NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2003; “Are Technology Improvements Contractionary?” (with Fernald and Kimball), AER, 2006; “The Value of Risk: Measuring the Service Output of U.S. Commercial Banks” (with Inklaar and Wang), Economic Inquiry, 2011; “Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Wages” (with Barattieri and Gottschalk), AEJ: Macroeconomics, 2014; “Allocative and Remitted Wages: New Facts and Challenges for Keynesian Models” (with House), Handbook of Macroeconomics, 2016; “Uncertainty Shocks in a Model of Effective Demand” (with Bundick), Econometrica, 2017.

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships, and Honors: Board of Editors, AER, 1997-2000; Member, AEA Committee on Economic Statistics, 2012-14.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Hoover Institution National Fellow, 1994-95; National Science Foundation CAREER award, 1995; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship, 1997; University of Michigan Class of 1923 Memorial Teaching Award, 1998; Research Associate, NBER, 1998-; Executive Committee, Conference on Research in Income and Wealth (CRIW), 2006-.

RAYMOND FISMAN, Slater Family Professor in Behavioral Economics, Boston University

Previous and Present Positions: Slater Family Professor in Behavioral Economics, Department of Economics, Boston University, 2015-; Lambert Family Professor of Social Enterprise, Columbia Business School, 2007-15; Associate and Assistant Professor of Economics, Columbia Business School, 1999-2007; Consultant, the Africa Division of the World Bank, 1998-99.

Degrees: McGill University, B.A. in Economics and Mathematics, 1993; Harvard University, Ph.D. in Business Economics, 1998.

Publications: “Social Ties and Favoritism in Chinese Science” (with Shi, Wang, and Xu), forthcoming, Journal of Political Economy, 2018; “Distributional Preferences and Political Behavior” (with Jakiela and Kariv), Journal of Public Economics, 2017; “Cultural Proximity and Loan Outcomes” (with Paravisini and Vig), AER, 2017; “The Distributional Preferences of an Elite” (with Jakiela, Kariv, and Markovits), Science, 2015; “The Mortality Cost of Political Connections” (with Wang), Review of Economic Studies, 2015; “The Private Returns to Public Office” (with Schulz and Vig), Journal of Political Economy, 2014; “Nationalism and Economic Exchange: Evidence from Shocks to Sino-Japanese Relations” (with Hamao and Wang), Review of Financial Studies, 2014; “Charity as a Substitute for Reputation: Evidence from an Online Marketplace” (with Elfenbein and McManus), Review of Economic Studies, 2012; “Corruption, Norms, and Legal Enforcement: Evidence from UN Diplomatic Parking Tickets” (with Miguel), Journal of Political Economy, 2007; “Individual Preferences for Giving” (with Kariv and Markovits), AER, 2007; “Consistency and Heterogeneity of Individual Behavior Under Uncertainty” (with Choi, Gale, and Kariv), AER, 2007; “Do Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Increase International Technology Transfer? Empirical Evidence from U. S. Firm-Level Panel Data” (with Branstetter and Foley), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2006; “Tax Rates and Tax Evasion: Evidence from ‘Missing Imports’ in China” (with Wei), Journal of Political Economy, 2004; “Estimating the Value of Political Connections,” AER, 2001.

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships, and Honors: Associate editor, JEL, 2006-09; Associate Editor, AEJ: Applied, 2009-17; Associate Editor, JEP, 2010-12.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Research Associate, NBER, 2007-; Fellow, Bureau for Research and Analysis in Development (BREAD), 2006-; Associate Editor, Journal of Political Economy, 2016-; Co-editor, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organizations, 2014-.

Roland G. Fryer, Jr., Henry Lee Professor of Economics, Harvard University

Previous and Present Positions: Harvard University: Henry Lee Professor of Economics, 2014-; Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics, 2009-14; Professor of Economics, 2007-09; Assistant Professor of Economics, 2006-07; Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows, 2003-06. Founding Director, Education Innovation Laboratory, 2008-; Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 2003-; National Science Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2001-03; Doctoral Fellow, American Bar Foundation, 2001-03.

Degrees: Ph.D., Economics, The Pennsylvania State University, 2002; B.A., Economics, The University of Texas at Arlington, 1998.

Publications: “Understanding the Black-White Test Score Gap in the First Two Years of School” (with Levitt), The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2004; “The Causes and Consequences of Distinctively Black Names” (with Levitt), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2004; “An Economic Analysis of ‘Acting White’,” (with Austen-Smith), The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2005; “A Measure of Segregation Based on Social Interactions” (with Echenique), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2007;  “An Empirical Analysis of Gender Differences in Mathematics” (with Levitt), AEJ: Applied Economics, 2010; “Are High Quality Schools Enough to Increase Achievement Among the Poor?” Evidence from the Harlem Children’s Zone” (with Dobbie), AEJ: Applied Economics, 2011; “Financial Incentives and Student Achievement: Evidence from Randomized Trials,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2011; “Hatred and Profits: Getting Under the Hood of the Ku Klux Klan” (with Levitt), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2012; “Testing for Racial Differences in the Mental Ability of Young Children” (with Levitt), AER, 2013; “Valuing Diversity” (with Loury), Journal of Political Economy, 2013; “Injecting Charter School Best Practices into Traditional Public Schools: Evidence from Field Experiments,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2014; “The Medium-Term Impacts of Charter Schools,” (with Dobbie) [forthcoming in Journal of Political Economy]; “Two-Armed Restless Bandits with Imperfect Information: Stochastic Control and Indexability,” (with Harms) [forthcoming in Mathematics of Operations Research]; “The ‘Pupil’ Factory: Specialization and the Production of Human Capital in Schools” [forthcoming in AER]; “An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force” [forthcoming in Journal of Political Economy].

AEA Offices, Committee Memberships, and Honors: John Bates Clark Medal, 2015; Program Committee, 2017.

Other Affiliations and Honors: Fellow, Society of Labor Economists, 2015; Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2015; Calvo-Armengol International Prize, 2012; MacArthur Fellowship, 2011; The Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, 2009; National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2008-13.