Predicting Food Insecurity with Machine Learning
identification of food insecurity crises can enable faster and more effective humanitarianresponses to mitigate casualties from hunger and save lives. Using machine learning, we
develop a predictive model of food security based on readily available, spatially granular data
on prices, geography, and demographics. As with any rare event, one challenge with predicting
food crises is the low rate of severe food insecurity in existing data that could be used to train a
model data. We use several different approaches to address this imbalance to allow us to
capture a higher fraction of these rare events. We apply our procedure to forecast food
security in three sub-Saharan African countries: Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda. Bearing in mind
the possible spatial-temporal correlations between observations in the training and testing sets,
we use previous years’ data to predict later years food insecurity. Combined with cost-sensitive
learning and sampling, the machine learning models constantly outperform the logistic
regression models in detecting the food-insecure villages. The machine learning models are
able to identify close to 100% of the food insecure villages and the majority of the most food
insecure villages compared to the logit model. To demonstrate how this model can be used for
real-time assessment, we apply a convolutional neural network (CNN) with transfer learning to
use satellite imagery to predict food security in Malawi. Using only the satellite imagery, we are
able explain up to 60% of the village-level variation in food security outcomes. Our findings
show that a data-driven model with the help of machine learning methods can significantly
improve a model’s ability to identify food insecure households even when the data are
imbalanced. Our paper demonstrates that this approach could be used in a scalable,
automatically-updated prediction model that could enhance current famine early warning