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Econometrics of Network Models and Production Function Estimation

Paper Session

Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021 12:15 PM - 2:15 PM (EST)

Hosted By: Korea-America Economic Association
  • Chair: Kyungchul (Kevin) Song, University of British Columbia

Spillovers in Social Programme Participation: Evidence from Chile

Pedro Carneiro
University College London
Aureo de Paula
University College London
Barbara Flores
University College London
Emanuela Galasso
World Bank
Rita Ginja
University of Bergen


We analyze how peers affect the participation in a family allowance for poor families in Chile called Subsidio Unico Familiar (SUF) using a regression discontinuity
design. To identify this spillover effect, we exploit variation in the information about
social programs due to a home-visitation program for families in extreme poverty introduced in 2002 called Chile Solidario (CS). Conditional on an index of wealth, eligibility
to receive the home-visits are random around municipality level cutoffs. We find that
individual participation in CS increases the take-up of SUF by 30% and neighbors’ participation in CS also increases the take-up of SUF by 7%. We also study heterogeneity
by proximity to the municipality’s office given that the distance between households
and the municipality office might be a measure of participation costs. Effectively, we
find positive direct effect of CS (33%) and spillover effects (9%) on the take up of SUF
only for those families who are distant to the office, suggesting that neighbor s are an
important channel of information transmission.

Bootstrap with Cluster-Dependence in Two or More Dimensions

Konrad Menzel
New York University



Estimating Network Spillovers via Fused Graphings

Eric Auerbach
Northwestern University
Max Tabord-Meehan
University of Chicago



Nonparametric Identification of Production Function, Total Factor Productivity, and Markup from Revenue Data

Hiro Kasahara
University of British Columbia


Abstract Commonly used methods of production function and markup estimation assume that a firm’s output quantity can be observed as data, but typical datasets contain only revenue, not output quantity. We examine the nonparametric identification of production function and markup from revenue data when a firm faces a general nonparametric demand function under imperfect competition. Under standard assumptions, we provide the constructive nonparametric identification of various firm-level objects: gross production function, total factor productivity, price markups over marginal costs, output prices, output quantities, a demand system, and a representative consumer’s utility function.
JEL Classifications
  • A1 - General Economics
  • L0 - General