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2017 AEA Continuing Education Webcasts

2017 Continuing Education, January 8-10th, 2017, Loews Chicago 

Cross-Section Econometrics (Alberto Abadie, Joshua Angrist, Christopher Walters)


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Alberto Abadie, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor Abadie is an econometrician and empirical microeconomist, with broad disciplinary interests that span economics, political science, and statistics. He received his MIT Economics PhD in 1999. Upon graduating, he joined the faculty at the Harvard Kennedy School, where he was promoted to full tenured professor in 2005. He joined the MIT Department of Economics and IDSS in the Fall of 2016. His research areas are econometrics, statistics, causal inference, and program evaluation. Professor Abadie’s methodological research focuses on statistical methods to estimate causal effects and, in particular, the effects of public policies, such as labor market, education, and health policy interventions. He is an associate editor of Econometrica, and has previously served as editor of the Review of Economic and Statistics and associate editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

Joshua Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor Angrist is the Ford Professor of Economics at MIT and a Research Associate in the NBER's programs on Children, Education, and Labor Studies. Angrist's research interests include the effects of school inputs and school organization on student achievement; the impact of education and social programs on the labor market; the effects of immigration, labor market regulation and institutions; and econometric methods and teaching. Angrist is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Econometric Society, and has served on many editorial boards and as a Co-editor of the Journal of Labor Economics. He is the author (with Steve Pischke) of Mostly Harmless Economics: An Empiricist's Companion (Princeton University Press, 2009) and Mastering ‘Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect (Princeton University Press, 2014). In addition to academic work and teaching at MIT, Angrist occasionally ventures abroad to teach an Empirical Strategies short course based on his books.

Christopher Walters, University of California, Berkeley
Professor Walters is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley, and a Faculty Research Fellow in the programs on education and labor studies at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He is a labor economist with research interests in the economics of education and applied econometrics. His recent work studies the effectiveness of early childhood education and school choice programs, methods for assessing and improving educational accountability systems, and the determinants of parents’ preferences for schools. Professor Walters joined the economics department at Berkeley after receiving his PhD in economics from MIT in 2013. In 2008, he graduated with a BA in economics and philosophy from the University of Virginia and received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.


Behavioral Finance (Nicholas Barberis, Ulrike Malmendier)


Barberis Slides | Malmendier Slides

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Nicholas Barberis, Yale University
Professor Barberis is the Stephen and Camille Schramm Professor of Finance at the Yale School of Management, where he works on behavioral finance, and specifically on developing psychologically realistic models of market fluctuations and investor behavior. His research has been awarded the Paul A. Samuelson Prize, the FAME Prize, and the Jack Treynor Prize, and he is also the recipient of multiple teaching awards from both Yale and the University of Chicago, where he previously taught. He is the founder and lead instructor of the Yale Summer School in Behavioral Finance, and, in 2015, took over from Robert Shiller and Richard Thaler as the Director of the NBER Working Group on Behavioral Finance. He holds a B.A. in Mathematics from Cambridge University and a Ph.D. in Business Economics from Harvard.

Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley
Professor Malmendier has been a Professor of Finance at the Haas School of Business since 2010, and a Professor in the Department of Economics since 2006. Prior to UC Berkeley, she was an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and had visiting positions at Princeton University and the Chicago Booth School of Business. In addition to teaching, Malmendier has also done extensive research for the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) and CESifo in Germany. She is a founder and is a continuing organizer of BEAM and SITE Psychology & Economics, the leading conferences in Behavioral Economics. Malmendier received her PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University in 2002, and her PhD in Law from the University of Bonn in 2000. Malmendier has received numerous honors and prizes, including the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, several Emerald Citations of Excellence by Emerald, Distinguish or Keynote Speaker engagements. She was also a selected speaker at the Review of Economic Studies European Tour. In 2013, Malmendier was awarded the prestigious Fisher Black Prize from the American Finance Association, given biennially to the top financial scholar under the age of 40. Malmendier’s research focuses on the intersection of economics and finance, and why and how individuals make decisions—specifically how individuals make mistakes and systematically biased decisions. Some of her work includes research on CEO overconfidence, the long-term frugality of Depression “babies” and the decision-making behind gym membership.


Industrial Organization (Daniel Ackerberg, Aviv Nevo, Ariel Pakes)


Reading List | Ackerberg Slides for 1/9/2017 | Pakes Download PDF (Part 1) | Pakes Download PDF (Part 2) | Pakes Download PDF (Part 3)

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This course provides a broad introduction to empirical methods used in Industrial Organization (IO). The first part of the course will focus on methods to estimate demand. We will start by discussing why IO economists study demand, we will then discuss the most commonly used model and how it is estimated. We will conclude this part of the course by studying some applications. Next, we turn to studying issues regarding firm production. We study various methods that have been used to estimate firms' production functions, and discuss empirical work studying the evolution and distribution of productivity across time and firms. The final part of the course will introduce moment inequality estimation methods as applied to two period models, and then provide an overview of where we are on fully dynamic sequential analysis of industry evolution.

Daniel Ackerberg, University of Michigan
Professor Ackerberg's field of expertise is in industrial organization (IO) with a particular emphasis on the statistical analysis of structural models of firm and consumer interactions at a micro-level. His research interests range from the analysis of online auctions, the estimation of firm production functions, the impact of advertising on consumer demand, to the study of land contracting in medieval Europe. In addition to these IO interests, he has done research on applied econometric and computational methods.

Aviv Nevo, Univerity of Pennsylvania
Professor Nevo is the George A. Weiss and Lydia Bravo Weiss University Professor at the University of Pennsylvania with appointments in the Wharton Business School and the Economics Department. Previously he was on the faculty of Northwestern University where he was the Robert E. and Emily King Professor in Business Institutions in the department of economics and professor in marketing in the Kellogg School of Management. His research focuses on empirically understanding consumer behavior, firms responses and the implications for public policy. He has studied many industries including consumer packaged goods, food, healthcare, telecom, and real estate. He is a fellow of the Econometric Society, a research associate of NBER, an international research fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies in London, and co-editor of the RAND Journal of Economics. In 2013-2014 he served at the chief economist of the Antitrust Division at the Department of Justice.

Ariel Pakes, Harvard University
Professor Pakes is the Thomas Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at Harvard University where he teaches courses in Industrial Organization and Econometrics. He received the Frisch Medal of the Econometric Society in 1986, and was elected as a fellow of that society in 1988. Ariel was elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2002 and was the Distinguished Fellow of the Industrial Organization in 2007.   Ariel’s research has focused on developing methods for empirically analyzing both static and dynamic responses of markets to environmental and policy change. This includes the analysis of; (i) demand systems and their pricing implications (2) productivity, and (3) two and multi-period dynamic models for the evolution of market structure.  Ariel has had over fifty doctoral students, several of whom have gone on to teach graduate courses in Industrial Organization at major institutions.  Ariel has been on the editorial board of several journals and on a number of NSF, American Academy, and National Academy of Sciences committees. He has also been the chair of the AEA Census Advisory Panel. Ariel has served as a consultant on a variety of matters related to antitrust, data construction, and business decisions to the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Attorney Generals of the States, and several consultancies and companies.