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Development Economics

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Emily Breza | Harvard University

Emily BrezaEmily Breza is Frederic E. Abbe Professor of Economics at Harvard University Department of Economics. Her research focuses on development economics and household finance. She is particularly interested in how financial decision-making interacts with both social effects and behavioral biases, and how financial product design can better integrate these factors. Some of her current research aims to use social networks to help present-biased savers better accomplish their goals. She is also involved in a project to understand the impacts of the 2010 Andhra Pradesh microfinance ordinance, which stopped all collections and lending activities of microlenders, on previous microfinance borrowers. Breza received her Ph.D. from the MIT Economics Department and her B.A. from Yale University.

Supreet Kaur | University of California at Berkeley

Supreet KaurSupreet Kaur is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at UC Berkeley. She is a development economist, with overlap in her work with behavioral and labor economics. The first strand of Kaur's research focuses on the functioning of labor markets in poor countries. Her work documents frictions in labor markets, studies the causes of unemployment, and examines the impact of inequality on labor productivity. The second strand of her research explores how psychological forces--such as the limits of human cognition and social norms--can affect individual behavior and market equilibria. By applying insights from psychology into economics, Kaur's goal is to deepen our understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty.

Digital Economics and the Economics of Artificial Intelligence

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Martin Beraja | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Martin Beraja

Martin Beraja is the Pentti Kouri Career Development Associate Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His research studies the role of government policy in stabilizing business cycles and responding to the challenges posed by new digital and automation technologies. He has tackled these questions by sometimes developing theory, sometimes using novel data and empirics, but most often by bringing the two together. Martin earned his PhD from the University of Chicago in 2016 and joined the MIT faculty in 2017 after spending one year as a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University. He is currently a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and an Associate Editor at the Journal of the European Economic Association. He received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2023, the foundation's most prestigious award for early career faculty.

Chiara Farronato | Harvard University

Chiara Farronato

Chiara Farronato is the Glenn and Mary Jane Creamer Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, and co-Principal Investigatory of the Platform Lab at the Digital Data Design Institute (D^3) at Harvard. Her research focuses on the growth of digital platforms, such as Amazon and Airbnb. Her work explores key decisions managers need to make when crafting growth strategies that attract new users and intensify use by existing platform participants. Because platform growth and, in some cases, dominance raise a host of important questions for consumers, competitors, and policymakers, her work also examines the costs and benefits of alternative regulatory policies. A fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Prof. Farronato received her PhD in economics from Stanford University. Prior to her PhD, she studied business and economics at Bocconi University in Italy and the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. 

Avi Goldfarb | University of Toronto

Avi GoldfarbAvi Goldfarb is the Rotman Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare, and Professor of Marketing, at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Avi is also Chief Data Scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. His research focuses on the economics of digital technology and artificial intelligence. A former Senior Editor at Marketing Science, he has published academic articles in marketing, computing, law, management, medicine, physics, political science, public health, statistics, and economics. He co-leads the NBER initiative on Digital Economics and Artificial Intelligence. Avi is the co-author of the books Prediction Machines and Power and Prediction, and co-editor of the NBER book The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda. Avi received his PhD in economics from Northwestern University. 

Catherine Tucker | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Catherine TuckerCatherine Tucker is the Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management. Her research interests lie in how technology allows firms to use digital data and machine learning to improve performance, and in the challenges this poses for regulation. Tucker has particular expertise in online advertising, digital health, social media, and electronic privacy. Her research studies the interface between marketing, the economics of technology, and law. She has received an NSF CAREER Award for her work on digital privacy,he Garfield Economic Impact Award for her work on electronic medical records, he William F. O'Dell Award for most significant, long-term contribution to Marketing, and the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Long Term Impact Award. She is a cofounder of the MIT Cryptoeconomics Lab which studies the applications of blockchain. She has been a Visiting Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. She has testified to Congress regarding her work on digital privacy and algorithms, and presented her research to the OECD, World Bank, IMF and the ECJ. Tucker is senior editor at Marketing Science. She is the codirector of the program on Digital Economics and Artificial Intelligence at the National Bureau of Economic Research. She holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University and a BA from the University of Oxford.

Health Economics

Syllabus | Notowidigdo Reading List | Handel Reading List | Notowidigdo slides | Handel slides

Ben Handel | University of California at Berkeley

Ben HandelBenjamin Handel is an associate professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 2010. He received his A.B. from Princeton and his Ph.D. from Northwestern. He is a Co-Director of the Gilbert Center for Industrial Organization at Berkeley, a Co-Director of the NBER Insurance Markets working group, and a Co-Editor at the Review of Ecnomics and Statistics. Handel’s work is primarily concerned with the economic analysis of health care markets. He has studied the role of adverse selection, the nature of competition between insurance providers, and the role of behavioral economics in explaining insurance plan choice. In addition to his work in health insurance markets, he has researched incentive design and adoption of information technology by health care providers, as well as behavioral interventions to improve consumer health care behaviors. Handel received the 2018 ASHEcon Medal for top health economist under the age of 40. His 2015 Econometrica research paper with Igal Hendel and Michael Whinston on “Equilibria in Health Exchanges” was awarded the Econometric Society’s Frisch Medal. Handel is also a recipient of an NSF CAREER Award and a Sloan Research Fellowship.

Matthew Notowidigdo | University of Chicago

Matthew NotowidigdoMatthew J. Notowidigdo studies a broad set of topics in labor economics and health economics. In labor economics, his research has focused on understanding the causes and consequences of long-term unemployment and the economic effects of unemployment insurance over the business cycle. Notowidigdo’s research in health economics focuses on the effects of public health insurance on labor supply and the effects of income on health spending. He is currently working with several state governments on large-scale randomized experiments of existing social insurance programs. Within academia he has teaching experience at both the undergraduate and graduate level, and he was honored with the distinction of the Carleton E. Tucker Award for Teaching Excellence in 2004. He studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before joining Chicago Booth in 2010 as an Assistant Professor. In 2014, he joined the Department of Economics at Northwestern University as Associate Professor of Economics. In 2020, he returned to Booth as Professor of Economics. He holds a BS in economics, a BS in computer engineering, a MEng in computer science, and a PhD in economics. He is currently a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, and he is a co-editor at American Economic Journal - Economic Policy and an Associate Editor at the Quarterly Journal of Economics.

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