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EconLit Content Type: Journals

The number of journals indexed in EconLit has grown from 182 periodicals in 1969 to over 1,000 journals today. Coverage includes nearly one million journal articles from 74 countries, most of which are in English or with English summaries.

Journals are selected for inclusion in EconLit on the basis of their peer-reviewed economic content, which must be substantial or of equal emphasis in interdisciplinary journals.

View the full list of journals.

Journal Record Detail

For records dating from years 1969-78, EconLit includes journal articles only in English or with English summaries. Beginning with 1979 updates, EconLit includes a small number of non-English journals, some of which print articles without English summaries. (Non-English articles without English summaries are classified by only one subject descriptor: "Foreign Language Article.")

Abstracts begin with 1987 updates in EconLit and appear for about one-third of the journal articles until 1989, when abstracts begin to appear for most full journal articles.

Journal articles are classified using subject descriptors corresponding to the Journal of Economic Literature classification system. Records also include keywords and geographic descriptors when appropriate.

Records for journal articles include the ISSN number of the journal. Authors' institutional affiliations appear in records added since 1990.

Searches may be limited to articles in journals by including the document type "journal article."

Links to Full-text Articles

Libraries and institutions link EconLit to their holdings of full-text electronic journals. In addition, they may permit DOI links to nonsubsription articles on a pay-per-view basis. Libraries should contact their EconLit electronic service provider for information.

Sample EconLit Journal Record

TITLE: Interfirm Relationships and Informal Credit in Vietnam

AUTHOR(s): McMillan, John; Woodruff, Christopher

AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Stanford U; Stanford U

SOURCE (BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION): Quarterly Journal of Economics; 114(4), November 1999, pages 1285-1320.

DOCUMENT TYPE: Journal Article


SUBJECT DESCRIPTORS: Economic Development: Financial Markets; Saving and Capital Investment Financial Intermediation (O160); Socialist Enterprises and Their Transitions (P310); Transactional Relationships; Contracts and Reputation (L140); Contracts; Firm; Firms; Network


ABSTRACT: Trading relations in Vietnam's emerging private sector are shaped by two market frictions: the difficulty of locating trading partners and the absence of legal enforcement of contracts. Examining relational contracting, we find that a firm trusts its customer enough to offer credit when the customer finds it hard to locate an alternative supplier. A longer duration of trading relationship is associated with larger credit, as is prior information gathering. Customers identified through business networks receive more credit. These network effects are enduring, suggesting that networks are used to sanction defaulting customers.


UPDATE: 200004