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American Economic Journal:

ISSN 1945-7669 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7685 (Online)

Editorial Process: Discussions with the Editors

Learn about the AEJ: Microeconomics editorial process by listening to discussions with past and current editors, as well as with the AEA data editor.

Navin Kartik, current editor of the AEJ: Microeconomics, was a session panelist on the recorded webcast "Overcoming Obstacles in the Publishing Process: Advice for Authors and Editors" at the 2024 AEA Annual Meeting. 

As part of a series of fireside chats with journal editors organized by the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP), Leeat Yariv, former editor of the AEJ: Microeconomics, discussed the journal's editorial process with Renee Bowen and Boyoung Seo.  CSWEP also held a fireside chat in which Leah Boustan talked with Lars Vilhuber, the AEA data editor, about how compliance with the AEA Data and Code Availability Policy works in practice.

Further information about the editorial process at the AEJ: Microeconomics can be found in the Report of the Editor, published each year in the AEA Papers and Proceedings.