• Call For Papers
  • February 4, 2022

Call for Papers: Applied Economics Teaching Resources

Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR) is putting out a general call for papers for innovations in teaching and Extension education. Over the past two years, higher education has a seen dramatic shifts in teaching and extension, which has resulted in significant innovations in instructional delivery, new methods, new pedagogy and innovations in how we teach and do Extension. AETR seeks manuscript submissions highlighting these innovations and new methods, content, and approaches. Manuscript submissions can include research articles, commentaries, methods and case studies. Please email abstracts of your submission idea to the editor at aetr.editor@gmail.com. The abstract should include a proposed title, up to 500 word abstract for the proposed manuscript, and list of authors. The editor will review abstracts, provide feedback and invite submissions for regular submissions, thematic sections and feature articles on this topic.

AETR is an online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal of the AAEA. The aim is to provide an inclusive outlet for research, teaching and Extension education scholarship encompassing but not limited to research articles, case studies, classroom games, commentaries, experiential learning, and pedagogy.  The goal is to support and advance teaching and Extension education within the scholarly areas of agricultural and applied economics, and agribusiness economics and management. AETR seeks to publish articles that are diverse in both scope and authorship. It serves as a platform for addressing and contributing to our understanding of important societal issues, including inequality and discrimination, as well as how shifts in pedagogy (e.g., growing reliance on remote and hybrid learning modalities) may impact accessibility and inclusion.

AETR encourages submissions on a wide variety of topics, including social inequality and discrimination; remote learning; hybrid learning; curriculum development; teaching innovations; classroom games; and case studies. Guidelines for submission can be found at: https://www.aaea.org/publications/applied-economics-teaching-resources/aetr-manuscript-submission-guidelines.  All submissions will go through a blind peer-review process with no charge for submission or publication at this time. You can directly submit a manuscript at: https://www.aaea.org/publications/applied-economics-teaching-resources.

Please email if you have any questions or inquiries; send to aetr.editor@gmail.com