• Member Announcement
  • July 16, 2024

AEA Committee News and Other Announcements

Date: July 16, 2024
To: Members of the American Economic Association
From: Peter L. Rousseau, Secretary-Treasurer

New Chair of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession

Linda Tesar (University of Michigan) has been appointed the new chair of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP). The AEA very much appreciates Professor Tesar’s willingness to lead the Committee and looks forward to working alongside her and the other board members to continue pursuing the mission of CSWEP.

The Association would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to Anusha Chari (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), who has led CSWEP over the last two and a half years. Her efforts and their very significant results have been seen within the Association and throughout the economics profession.

AEA Mentoring Program Leadership

The AEA and the Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economic Profession (CSMGEP) co-Chairs Vicki Bogan and Jose Fernandez are pleased to announce the new directors of the AEA Mentoring Program: Fenaba Addo (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and Fernando Lozano (Pomona College). Dr. Addo and Dr. Lozano have demonstrated a deep commitment to mentorship and to diversity in the economics profession. Further, both have participated in the mentoring program as mentors and mentees, which makes them acutely aware of the goals and needs of those participating in the program. We would like to thank the outgoing directors Francisca Antman (University of Colorado Boulder) and Trevon Logan (The Ohio State University) for their years of service for this important program, which has grown substantially under their leadership, and we are grateful for their contributions to the program’s continued success.

Request for Proposals for the Next AEA Summer Program Host

CSMGEP is requesting proposals for the next AEA Summer Program host. Preliminary proposals are due by August 15. Details about the application process can be found at the following link https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/aeasp/hosting-applicant-guidelines. To learn more about the current program hosted by Howard University in Washington DC, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/aeasp.

New Report from the AEA Committees on Economic Statistics and Government Relations

The AEA Committee on Economic Statistics (AEAStat) and Committee on Government Relations (CGR) recently put out a new report, “The Evolving Federal Data Ecosystem: New Opportunities for Economic Research?” which summarizes a working session held at the 2024 ASSA Meeting in San Antonio. Spurred by the “Evidence Act” passed by US Congress in 2019, major changes are currently taking place in the system via which researchers can access confidential federal survey and administrative data for research purposes. Key innovations include a new one-stop web portal that allows researchers to explore the availability of restricted-use micro data and submit applications to use it; establishment of a demonstration project for a National Secure Data Service (NSDS); and creation of a Center of Excellence within the Census Bureau that will work with other government agencies to evaluate policies and programs by linking survey and administrative data. These and other advances are providing new opportunities for economic researchers to link government data sets with each other, as well as to proprietary, state and local government, and other data sources. At the ASSA working session, AEAStat and CGR brought together 40 economists and other experts from academia, federal statistical agencies, and other research organizations for a facilitated discussion of emerging issues in the evolving data ecosystem. The report provides background on new developments in the data-access system, then summarizes issues discussed at the working session. It should be noted that the discussion was held under Chatham House rules, and it is not the case that all session participants agreed on all points included in the summary.

AEA Committee on Economic Statistics

AEAStat has prepared a statement expressing concern about the possibility of a 5000-household cut in the sample size of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Population Survey (CPS). The CPS collects the data from which key monthly measures of labor-market conditions, including the unemployment rate, are derived. Read the full statement at https://www.aeaweb.org/content/file?id=21048.

Save the Dates! January 3 – 5, 2025 for the 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting

Registration will open in September for the 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting. Featured AEA Speakers include Sendhil Mullainathan (University of Chicago) as the Distinguished Lecturer and Emi Nakamura (University of California, Berkeley) as the AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon Speaker. New features of the AEA program at ASSA include lightning rounds, lectures on recent developments in economics, and a networking/mentoring luncheon.  For more details about the meeting, visit https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2025.

Have You Completed the AEA Survey on Social Media Use?

All members were sent a link to an anonymous survey designed by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Use of Social Media in Economics. The AEA needs your input to assist with the goal of considering and developing guidelines for appropriate use of social media in the profession. The survey should take about 10 minutes, and all responses are optional. You are free to exit the survey at any time. The deadline to complete the survey is Monday, August 5. If you have questions, contact the committee at social_media_committee@aeapubs.org.

Monthly Digest of Research Highlights

Did you know the AEA provides a monthly digest of Research Highlights from AEA journals delivered right to your inbox? Each issue includes select article summaries, author interviews, featured charts, and links to related articles from our archive. It’s a convenient way to stay abreast of recently published research in AEA journals covering a wide range of topics that economists study. Sign up at https://www.aeaweb.org/research/digest today to receive a complimentary digest every month!